Debtor FI to FI outgoing credit transfer - good

The main debtor FI to FI outgoing credit transfer flow.

Use case summary

The debtor FI to FI outgoing credit transfer good case consists of the following processing steps.
  1. FTM for High Value Payments receives a high value payment Credit Transfer Request (FI) from the channel interface on behalf of a (debtor FI) client.
  2. The payment is validated and checked for duplicates. The payment scheme (for example, CBPR+, EURO1, T2) is determined and assigned in the database record.
  3. The set of services that are configured for the precheck (FI) set are started. This set of services does only validation checks to determine whether the payment can be accepted for submission.
  4. Following successful completion of the precheck (FI) services, the set of services that are configured for the presubmit (FI) set are started.
  5. After the presubmit (FI) set of services completes successfully, the payment is accepted for submission.
  6. An outbound Credit Transfer Request (FI) message is created with key values populated according to configuration-based enrichment.
  7. The enriched Credit Transfer Request (FI) message is submitted to the network, CSM, or Gateway.
  8. Several status messages might be received from the network, CSM, or Gateway. Depending on configuration, a status message can be considered as an interim or final status. Based on the configuration, an interim status message that is received might result in a payment status update being sent to the (debtor FI) client.
  9. The payment process waits for an expected final status message from the network, CSM, or Gateway before it proceeds to the postsubmit processing stage. If you configure the payment process to not wait for any response, it starts postsubmit processing as soon as the payment was sent.
  10. The set of services that are configured for the postsubmit accept (FI) set are started.
  11. After the postsubmit accept (FI) services complete successfully, FTM for High Value Payments updates the position and completes the SLA (not implemented yet). It can also send an acknowledgment back to the channel interface. The channel interface can, in turn, provide a payment status update to the (debtor FI) client. Whether the acknowledgment is sent or not depends on configuration settings.
  12. When the payment reaches the completed state, a check is done for any Interim Ack message that was received but not yet processed (including the sending of a payment status update message to channel, if configured). For example, such a message might arrive while the payment process is in the postsubmit processing stage.
  13. While in the completed stage, the payment can react to any post-completion status message that might later arrive from the network, CSM, or Gateway.

Configuring enrichment for the outgoing payment messages

For more information about configuring enrichment for this message, see the enrichment section in Debtor FI outgoing credit transfer - good.

Configuring the processing of interim and final acknowledgments

For more information about configuring the processing of interim and final acknowledgments, see the interim and final acknowledgments section in Debtor FI outgoing credit transfer - good.

Configuring status messages to the channel

For more information about configuring status messages to the channel, see the configuring status messages to the channel section in Debtor FI outgoing credit transfer - good.

Use case high-level sequence diagram

The high-level sequence diagram for the debtor FI to FI outgoing credit transfer good use case is similar to the high-level sequence diagram for the debtor FI outgoing credit transfer good use case. However, the FI to FI outgoing transfer good use case has the following differences:
  • A pacs.009 message is used instead of a pacs.008 message.
  • On-us transactions are not applicable.
Figure 1. Debtor FI outgoing credit transfer good - high-level sequence diagram

Use case detailed sequence diagram

The detailed sequence diagram is split into parts and shown in the following figures.
Figure 2. Valid outgoing payment - part 1 of 2
Figure 3. Valid outgoing payment - part 2 of 2

Use case simple object lifecycle diagram

The simple object lifecycle diagram for the debtor FI to FI outgoing credit transfer use case is shown in the following figure.
Figure 4. Debtor FI to FI outgoing credit transfer

Received status transaction simple object lifecycle diagram

The simple object lifecycle diagram for the received status transaction is shown in the following figure.
Figure 5. Received status transaction