Module scope variables

Name Type Description
rEnv REFERENCE A reference to the environment tree. This is often required for passing to functions or procedures that are out of the modules scope.
rPMPVars REFERENCE A reference to the PMP.Variables element under the integration node environment tree. This is commonly referenced in FTM mappers and often required by common core and utility functions.
rInputTxn REFERENCE A reference to the input transaction to be mapped for output.
rInputBat REFERENCE A reference to the inbound batch currently being mapped.
rOutputBody REFERENCE A reference for working with the outbound message root when it is created.
rOutputBat REFERENCE A reference for working with the outbound batch when it is created.
rOutputTxn REFERENCE A reference for working with the outbound transaction when it is created.
rlsf REFERENCE A reference to the parsed ISFMessage tree root.
rlslTxn REFERENCE A reference to the ISFTransaction element (child of ISFMessage).
nTxnIndex INTEGER A counter to keep track of total transactions mapped. Used in conjunction with PROPAGATE_EVERY to trigger scheduled parser / memory release.
nBatTxnCount INTEGER A counter to keep track of transactions within a batch.