Sample files

To load a file, copy it to the configured input directory.

The following table shows the files that are provided by the CPS reference application. 
Table 1. CPS reference application sample files
File name Description
install_directory\cps\v3213\CPS\Sample_CPA_Data\CPA005\Origination\Transit\CAD_ASCII\UC1a_F1001_TRAN_1C_CAD_ASCII.txt This file is loaded when it is copied to the CPA ASCII input directory.
install_directory\cps\v3213\CPS\Sample_CPA_Data\CPA005\Origination\Transit\CAD_EBCDIC\UC1a_F1_TRAN_1C_CAD_EBCDIC.txt This file is loaded when it is copied to the CPA EBCDIC input directory.
install_directory\cps\v3213\CPS\Sample_CPA_Data\ISO20022\Origination\Transit\CAD\UC1a_F1001_TRAN_1C_CAD_ASCII.xml This file is loaded when it is copied to the CPA ISO20022 input directory.