Including Inbound Mappers

Since the PhysicalTransissionWrapper flow will be routing the message to the mappers, all mappers should be included in the PhysicalTransmissionWrapper subflow. This is achieved using the following steps:
  1. Create the subflows that group the mapper, if they do not already exist:
    1. If it does not already exist, create a message flow named MappersToISF.msgflow under the InboundMappers schema in the Application MessageFlow Project.
    2. Create a message flow named FINToISFMappers.msgflow under the InboundMappers schema in the Application Message Flow Project.
    3. A flow named FINToISFMappers_<Pack_Name>.msgflow should exist in the Message Flow Project that contains the pack mappers, under the InboundMappers schema. If it does not, create a message flow named FINToISFMappers_<Pack_Name>.msgflow under the InboundMappers schema in the Application Message Flow Project. Add the name of the pack you are using in place of <Pack_Name>.
  2. Include the subflows as needed:
    1. If you had created the FINToISFMappers_<Pack_Name>.msgflow, include into it all the mappers under the InboundMappers schema in the pack mappers Message Flow Project.
    2. In the FINToISFMappers.msgflow flow, include the FINToISFMappers._<Pack_Name>msgflow and the FTM SWIFT MT Flows/InboundMappers/FINToISFMapper.msgflow flow.
    3. In the MappersToISF.msgflow, include the FINToISFMappers.msgflow flow.
    4. In the PhysicalTransmissionWrapper.msgflow under the PhysicalTransmissionFlow schema, include the MappersToISF.msgflow.
  3. Promote the properties:
    1. If any of the specific mappers included in the FINToISFMappers_<Pack_Name>.msgflow are promoting any properties (especially Data Source), promote them to the flow.
    2. In the FINToISFMappers.msgflow, promote the Data Source and Label Name properties from the FINToISFMapper node, and all properties from the FINToISFMappers_<Pack_Name>.msgflow, if any.
    3. In the MappersToISF.msgflow, promote the Data Source property from the FINToISFMappers node, and set the Label Name property to MTToISFMapper
    4. In the PhysicalTransmissionWrapper.msgflow, promote the Data Source property from the MappersToISF node, if it is not already done.