Resolving one or more objects in a list

To resolve several objects at once, the selected objects must all:
  • Belong to the same application
  • Be of the same type and subtype
  • Have the same status
  • Be in a state for which an operator control is available
To resolve one or more objects in a list:
  1. Display the objects in a list. You might want to use the search criteria to filter the list so that it displays only those objects with the same application, subtype, and status.
  2. Click the Select For Resolution Select For Resolution icon. Checkboxes appear next to all the objects in the list.
  3. Select the objects that are to be resolved. Use the Select All and Deselect All icons if needed.
  4. Click the Resolve Resolve icon. Unless the list of the objects to be resolved exceeds the threshold for such a list, the details for this list of objects to be resolved is displayed, otherwise just a count of how many objects are in the list is displayed. You can specify this threshold in the user preferences (see Setting user preferences).
  5. Specify the resolution action and a comment.
  6. Click the Submit Submit icon. The FTM OAC creates a single command message for all the objects and submits it for processing.