Development Procedure
The procedure for using actions written in Java™ can be broken up
into three parts; change components of the model to use a Java action,
create a JAR file with the Java action and any events raised by the
action, and install the created JAR file.
- Select Java as the language of the action in Rational® Software Architect and enter the fully qualified class name of the action you want to create. Extract the FSM data and install to the database as usual.
- Create a new Java project in IBM® App Connect Enterprise.
- Add the following JAR files to the Java Build Path of the new project: FTMJavaActions.jar and jplugin2.jar.
- If using actions, events, or both, that are generated from the FTM model tools, import them into your Java project.
- Write your action and any additional events, taking care that the path and class name of the action is the same as what was entered in step 1.
- Ensure there are no errors and export the Java classes created into a JAR file.
- Install the created JAR in your IBM App Connect Enterprise lilpath (typically the same directory as FTMJavaActions.jar and FTMCoreJava.jar).
- Stop and restart IBM App Connect Enterprise to make the new classes available to the run time.