
The mappers used in the Store and Release sample application are based on the standard inbound or outbound mapper templates for FTM to ensure that they are implemented in a consistent style that is easy to follow.

The Store and Release sample application only uses the MT103 inbound external format.

Table 1. Inbound mappers
Name Format Business purpose
MT To ISF MT103 Payment Origination

The following figure shows the inbound mappers, including the internal ISFToISFMapper.

Figure 1. Inbound mappers
Note: The Store and Release sample application also deploys the ISFToISFMapper to manage the mapping of the ISF Command message. This message is generated using the FTM console when a resolution action is selected.

The Store and Release sample application uses only the MT103 outbound external format.

Table 2. Outbound mappers
Name Format Business purpose
ISF To MT MT103 Payment Initiation

The following figure shows the outbound mappers, including the internal ISFToISFOutMapper.

Figure 2. Outbound mappers