Transactions page

The transactions page displays basic information about the transactions that are currently being processed for a specified business day.

The page can also be used to manage the transactions. If a transaction was inserted manually by Transaction Correction and Reconciliation, the transaction is shaded with a light pink color.
Note: Internally generated inbound transactions are displayed only if the show inbound internal messages option is enabled for this user ID. Use the manage users page to set this option.


The columns that are available on the page are shown in the following table. By default, not all of these columns are shown on the page. You can configure which columns are displayed on the page.
Table 1. Transactions columns
Column name Description
Selection control The first column on the page is used to select one or more transactions from the list. Selecting the box in the table header selects all of the transactions in the list.
FTM Transaction Id The transaction identifier, which is a unique number that is assigned to each transaction in the FTM database.
Trace Number The trace number that is assigned to the transaction when it is processed by the receiving institution. Whether this number is unique depends on the naming pattern that is used by the receiving institution.
Business Date The processing date for the transaction.
Category The category for the transaction. Use the category to separate different types of transactions that are received on the same business date. For example, use a NACHA category for ACH transactions and an EDI category for EDI X12 transactions.
Status The status of the transaction. The status might change as transactions are processed. Status values are shown in the following list:
The receiving institution received the transaction, but the transaction was not assigned to an active business date.
The transaction is assigned to an active business date and is being processed.
The transaction had an exception that was properly handled. No further intervention is needed for the transaction.
The transaction had an exception and needs more action to be taken.
The transaction was returned to the originating financial institution. The returned transaction has more information that indicates why the transaction was returned, such as a reason code or description.
The transaction was canceled. A reversal transmission is sent to the receiving point partner to cancel the transaction.
The transaction was canceled. No further processing for the transaction is done.
NOC Refused
The transaction was refused due to a notification of change.
Inbound Transmission Id The transmission identifier, which is a unique number that is assigned to each transmission in the FTM database. The ID is a link to the inbound transmission detail page for the transmission.
Inbound Batch / ICL Id The batch (ICL) identifier of the inbound batch that contains the transaction. The ID is a link to the batch / ICL detail page for the inbound batch (ICL).
Processing Batch / ICL Id The batch (ICL) identifier of the processing batch that contains the transaction. The ID is a link to the batch / ICL detail page for the processing batch (ICL).
On Us / Transit Indicates whether the transaction is on-us or transit, which was determined when the transaction was validated by Business Rules.
Transaction Type If the transaction is monetary, this column indicates whether the transaction is a debit or a credit. Otherwise, the column is blank.
Transaction Id A unique, internal identifier for the transaction. It is used by the receiving institution.
Company The name of the company from which this transaction was received.
Sending Point The name of the source that sent the physical transmission to the receiving institution.
Message Standard The message standard of the incoming transmission. The transmission complies with this standard. Message standards can include a version or revision number, EDI X12 (4010) for example.
Message Type The message type of the transaction that was received. For example, the message type for NACHA is PPD.
Inbound Currency The currency that is used for the inbound amount. It is displayed as a three character currency code.
Inbound Amount The amount of the transaction. It is displayed in the currency in which the transaction was received. A zero is displayed for non-monetary transactions. This column supports the column totals action.
Processor The name of the financial institution that received the physical transmission for processing.
System Amount The amount of the transaction after it was converted from the inbound currency to the system currency. The system currency is specified in the system properties. This column supports the column totals action.
System Exchange Rate The rate that is used to convert the currency for the inbound amount to the system currency. To convert from the inbound to the system currency, the most recent exchange rate that can be found in the system is used. If no rate is found, an exchange rate of 1.000000 is used.
Originator The name of the financial institution that is the sending point for the transaction.
Outbound Message Standard The message standard of the outgoing transmission. The transmission complies with this standard. Message standards can include a version or revision number, EDI X12 (4010) for example.
Outbound Message Type The message type of the transaction that was sent. For example, the message type for EDI X12 is 820.
Outbound Currency Code The currency in which the transaction was sent.
Outbound Amount The amount of the transaction after it was converted from the inbound currency to the outbound currency. It is displayed in the currency in which the transaction is sent. A zero is displayed for non-monetary transactions. This column supports the column totals action.
Outbound Exchange Rate The rate that is used to convert the inbound currency to the outbound currency. If the inbound and outbound currency codes are the same, 1.000000 is displayed as the exchange rate.
Receiving Point The name of the financial institution to which the outgoing transmission is sent to be processed.
Receiving FI The name of the financial institution that is expecting to receive the transaction.
Receiver The name of the individual or company that is the receiving point of the transaction.
Receiving Account Number The account number that is associated with the receiving point for the transaction.
Posted Indicates whether the transaction is posted in the database.
Archived Indicates whether the transaction was archived.
Deleted Indicates whether the transaction is deleted and no longer available for processing.
Return Reason Code The reason code that indicates why the transaction was returned. Typically, the reason codes that are returned relate to the message standard associated with the transaction.
Suspect Indicates whether the transaction is in the suspect status.
Validation Error Indicates whether the transaction has at least one validation error.
Repairable Indicates whether the transaction is available to be repaired by another process or application.
Reviewable Indicates whether the transaction is available to be reviewed by another process or application.
Duplicate Indicates whether the transaction is a duplicate of another transaction.
OFAC Match Indicates whether the transaction is identified as match during OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) checking.
Exception Indicates whether the transaction is in the exception status.
Unhandled Exception Indicates whether the transaction has an unhandled exception.
Rejects and Warnings The number of validation results that occurred while the transaction was processed. This number does not include informational results. The number is a link to the validation results report page for this transaction.
Total Validation Count The number of validation results that occurred while the transaction was processed. This number includes the informational results. The number is a link to the validation results report page for this transaction.
Holdover Indicates whether the transaction was held over.
Capture Order A number that indicates the relative position of the transaction within its transmission at the time of processing. For example, a capture order of five indicates that the transaction is the fifth one in the transmission.
Balance Order A number that indicates the relative position of the transaction within its transmission after the transmission was balanced. It might not be the same as the capture order because transactions can be inserted or moved in a transmission during processing.
Sending Point Id Alphanumeric code that is used to identify the sending point for the transaction.
Processor Id Alphanumeric code that is used to identify the receiving institution for the transaction.
Originator Id Alphanumeric code that is used to identify the originating financial institution for the transaction.
Receiving FI Id Alphanumeric code that is used to identify the receiving financial institution for the transaction.
Endpoint The endpoint that is assigned to the transaction by Business Rules, a user exit, or some other method.
Company Id The ID of the company from which this transaction was received.
Receiving Point Id Alphanumeric code that is used to identify the receiving point financial institution for the transmission.
Outbound Batch / ICL Id Outbound batch (ICL) to which the transaction is associated. The ID is a unique number that is assigned to a group of transactions that were included in a delivery to an outgoing endpoint.
Original Trace Number The reference or original trace number that was assigned by the sender.
Segment Id The segment identifier, which is a unique number that is assigned to each segment in the FTM database. The ID is a link to the segment detail page for the segment.
Transaction Code The transaction code for the received transaction.
Bank Code The identifier of the bank that is associated with the account.
Account Number The account number that is associated with the transaction.
Record Type The transaction record type that is assigned to the transaction. The available values are defined within the FTM database.
Disposition The final state of the transaction. Examples are disposition exception, disposition return, disposition truncate, and holdover.
Risk Error Indicates whether the transaction is in the risk error status.
Risk Reviewable Indicates whether the transaction is available for review after it failed a risk check.
Risk Review Id ID of the operator who reviewed the transaction after it failed a risk check.
Authorization Error Indicates whether the transaction is in the authorization error status.
Authorization Reviewable Indicates whether the transaction is available for review after it failed an authorization check.
Authorization Review Id ID of the operator who reviewed the transaction after it failed an authorization check.
CPCS Entry Id The ID of the entry record that is generated by CPCS.
CPCS Entry Number The CPCS assigned entry number for a specific business day.
Item Sequence Number The item sequence number that is assigned to the transaction when the transmission is loaded and batches (ICLs) are accepted.
Inbound Item Addenda Count The number of item addenda records that are associated with the transaction during ingestion. This value does not include any of the image addenda records for the transaction. This column supports the column totals action.
Outbound Item Addenda Count The number of item addenda records that are associated with the transaction during distribution. This value does not include any of the image addenda records for the transaction.
Batch Item Billing Code The batch item billing code of the transaction.
Batch Availability Days The number of business days until the funds are available to the depositor.


The actions that are available on the page are shown in the following list.
  • Help link opens the help page. This link is located at the top of the page.
  • Refresh, which looks like a circular arrow, redisplays the list of records to show any new records and the updates that were made to existing records.
  • Column totals icon, which causes the columns that support column totals to update their headers to display the aggregate total for all of the records in the column.
  • More > Preference > Save Layout saves any changes that were made to the column layout.
  • More > Preference > Restore Defaults restores the page to its default column layout.
  • More > Preference > Show/Hide Columns displays a page to select which columns are shown or hidden on the page.
  • More > Actions > Return opens the return transaction dialog box to create a return transaction for the selected transaction. This action is not available for Check Services.
  • More > Actions > Cancel cancels the selected transaction. For transactions that are already processed and released by Distribution, the outbound message standard is used to determine whether the transaction can be canceled or reversed by this action. This action is not available for Check Services.
  • More > Actions > Create Notification of Change is used to create a notification of change entry for the selected transaction. When the create NOC - RDFI page is displayed, several fields from the selected transaction are already displayed on it. Make any additional corrections that are needed to the NOC record.
  • More > Actions > Reset Flags > [flag] resets the selected flag for the selected transaction. For example, use the repairable menu option to change a transaction that is repairable to not repairable.
  • More > Actions > View as spreadsheet is used to view, or save and view, the selected transactions in a spreadsheet. The user can manipulate the data. If the user views the spreadsheet without selecting any transactions, an error is displayed.
    Note: Approximately 370 KB of memory is used for every 1000 rows of data that is displayed on this spreadsheet.
  • Filter displays the build filter page to define the filtering rules. The filter button is located next to the no filter applied message or the clear filter link.
  • Clear filter link removes the filter and shows all of the records.
  • View detail, which is located in the first column, displays the transmission hierarchy page for the selected transaction.