2023 Unexpected cluster ID for partner cluster.
This indicates that a remote system is attempting to communicate as a partner but the details of the remote system do not match a current partnership configuration. This can occur in the following situations:User response
Note: If the remote system is being recovered, carry out the following steps in conjunction with the
recovery process. Refer to topic What to check after running the system recovery
to understand the recovery process.
- Run the lspartnership command and use the details that you know have not changed to identify the misconfigured partnership. For example, the name might still be correct. Note the current ID of the partnership.
- Stop the partnership using chpartnership -stop current ID command.
- Reconfigure the partnership.
- If the IP address is incorrect, use chpartnership -clusterip new address current ID command.
- Alternatively, if the system ID is incorrect, use the chpartnership -newclusterid new ID current ID command.
- Restart the partnership using chpartnership -start ID command. If you changed the ID, use the new ID as the parameter.