Migrating partnerships

It is possible to migrate existing partnerships from IPv4 to IPv6 deployments, and from one Ethernet speed link to a different Ethernet speed link. It is not possible to convert a partnership between Fibre Channel, IP or RDMA.

Migrate an existing partnership from IPv4 to IPv6 deployments

To migrate from IPv4 to IPv6, the following requirements must be met:
  • System IPs have IPv6 addresses configured.
  • Data path IPs (IPs configured by using mkip) have IPv6 addresses.
    Note: You can assign IPv6 addresses to ports while IP partnerships are active. However, you cannot add them to portsets.
Complete the following procedure:
  1. Stop the IP partnership on both systems.
    1. On system C1: #svctask chpartnership -stop <systemid C2>
      • The command lspartnership reports as fully_configured_stopped on system C1.
      • The command lspartnership reports as fully_configured_remote_stopped on system C2.
    2. On system C2: #svctask chpartnership -stop <systemid C1>
      • The command lspartnership reports as fully_configured_stopped on system C1.
      • The command lspartnership also reports as fully_configured_stopped on system C2.
  2. Add the IPv6 IP addresses, which are configured on data path IP Ports (by using mkip), in respective portsets.
    • On system C1: mkip -node <id | name> -port <id> -portset <id | name> -ip <ipv6 address> -prefix <subnet prefix> -gw <ipv6 gateway address> -vlan <vlan_id>
    • On system C2: mkip -node <id | name> -port <id> -portset <id | name> -ip <ipv6 address>-prefix <subnet prefix> -gw <ipv6 gateway address> -vlan <vlan_id>
  3. Modify the IP partnerships to do discovery over IPv6 addresses.
    • On system C1: #svctask chpartnership -type ipv6 -clusterip <ipv6_ipaddr_of_cluster_c2> <systemid C2>
    • On system C2: #svctask chpartnership -type ipv6 -clusterip <ipv6_ipaddr_of_cluster_c1> <systemid C1>
    • On system C1: #svctask chpartnership -start <systemid C2>
    • On system C2: #svctask chpartnership -start <systemid C1>
      Note: Since new data path over IPv6 addresses are now available, partnership will first change to not_present, and then to fully_configured. If it remains in not_present, monitor the node error/DMP if it is getting triggered and check the appropriate DMP in the troubleshooting section.

This same procedure can be applied to migrate from IPv6 to IPv4 by applying suitable substitutes for IPv4 instead of IPv6.

Migrate an existing partnership to new IP addresses

When you change one or both system and data path IP addresses of the system, replication needs to be temporarily stopped during the procedure. However, host I/O can continue. After the procedure is complete, the v need to resynchronize only the host write operations that are submitted while the partnership was stopped.

Complete the following procedure:
  1. Stop the IP partnership on both systems.
    1. On system C1: #svctask chpartnership -stop <systemid C2>
      • The command lspartnership reports as fully_configured_stopped on system C1.
      • The command lspartnership reports as fully_configured_remote_stopped on system C2.
    2. On system C2: #svctask chpartnership -stop <systemid C1>
      • The command lspartnership reports as fully_configured_stopped on system C1.
      • The command lspartnership also reports as fully_configured_stopped on system C2.
  2. Reconfigure the IP addresses on one or both systems by using the following commands:

    chsystemip -clusterip <new ip> -port <ethernet port number>

    mkip -node <id | name> -port <id> -portset <id | name> -ip <ipv4 | ipv6 address> -prefix <subnet prefix> -gw <ipv4 | ipv6 gateway address> -vlan <vlan_id>

  3. For each reconfigured system IP, reconfigure the partnership on the remote system:

    If system IP changed on system C1, then on system C2: #svctask chpartnership -clusterip <system IP of system C1> <systemid C1>

    If system IP changed on system C2, then on system C1: #svctask chpartnership -clusterip <system IP of system C2> <systemid C2>

  4. Restart the partnerships:

    On system C1: #svctask chpartnership -start <systemid C2>

    On system C2: #svctask chpartnership -start <systemid C1>

  5. Restart any stopped relationships.

Migrate an existing partnership to different links

Before you attempt to migrate existing deployments from to a different link, refer to the limitations and considerations requirements in the IP partnership configuration topic.
Note: You cannot mix link speeds. For example, if there are two links, both links should either be 10 Gbps links or both should be 1 Gbps links.

This procedure applies to two systems that are in IP partnership with each other over two 1 Gbps links.

Complete the following procedure:
  1. Stop the IP partnership on both systems.
    1. On system C1: #svctask chpartnership -stop <systemid C2>
      • The command lspartnership reports as fully_configured_stopped on system C1.
      • The command lspartnership reports as fully_configured_remote_stopped on system C2.
    2. On system C2: #svctask chpartnership -stop <systemid C1>
      • The command lspartnership reports as fully_configured_stopped on system C1.
      • The command lspartnership also reports as fully_configured_stopped on system C2.
  2. Add the IP addresses, which are configured on data path IP Ports (by using mkip), on 10 Gbps links in respective portsets.
    • On system C1: #svctask mkip -node <id | name> -port <id> -portset <id | name> -ip <ipv4 | ipv6 address>-prefix <subnet prefix> -gw <ipv4 | ipv6 gateway address> -vlan <vlan_id>
    • Remove the existing the 1 Gbps ports from the portset by using the following command:

      #svctask rmip ip_ address_id

    • On system C2: #svctask mkip -node <id | name> -port <id> -portset <id | name> -ip <ipv4 | ipv6 address>-prefix <subnet prefix> -gw <ipv4 | ipv6 gateway address> -vlan <vlan_id>
    • Remove the existing the 1 Gbps ports from the portset by using the following command:

      #svctask rmip ip_ address_id

  3. Start the IP partnerships.
    • On system C1: #svctask chpartnership -start <systemid C2>
    • On system C2: #svctask chpartnership -start <systemid C1>
      Note: Since new data path over IPv6 addresses are now available, partnership will first change to not_present, and then to fully_configured. If it remains in not_present, monitor the node error/DMP if it is getting triggered and check the appropriate DMP in the troubleshooting section.

This procedure completes the migration from 1 Gbps links to 10 Gbps links. This same procedure can be applied to migrate from 10 Gbps to 1 Gbps or 25 Gbps by applying suitable substitutes for 1 Gbps or 25 Gbps ports instead of 10 Gbps ports.