Node status

The node status identifies the status of the node within the IBM® Storage Virtualize system.

Table 1 describes the operational status of a node or node canister. To display the node status on the GUI, select Monitoring > System Hardware. You can also see the node status by executing the lsnode or lsnodecanister command or using the service assistant GUI.

Table 1. Node status
Status Description
Active The node is online and can process I/O from hosts.
Adding The node or node canister was added to the clustered system but is not yet synchronized with the system status. The node or node canister status changes to Online after synchronization is complete.
Note: A node can stay in the Adding status for a long time. Wait at least 30 minutes before you take further action. If after 30 minutes the node status is still Adding, you can delete the node and add it again. If the node that was added is at a lower code level than the rest of the system, the node is upgraded to the system code level, which can take up to 20 minutes. During this time, the node is shown as Adding.
Candidate The node is not defined in an I/O group; however, it can be added as one of the node pairs in an I/O group.
Deleting The node or node canister is in the process of being deleted from the system.
Flushing The system is removing data from the cache for the node.
Online The node canister is operational and is assigned to a cluster.
Online spare The node has been defined to be a hot-spare node and it is being used as a surrogate for another node in the I/O group.
Offline The node canister is not operational. Run the fix procedures to determine the problem.
Pending The status of the node or node canister is in transition. In a few seconds, the status of the node or node canister will change.
Service The node or node canister has been placed in this state to allow it to be serviced or it has a fatal node error, which means that it is not safe for this node to be part of the system.
Spare The node has been defined to be a hot-spare node; however, it is not being used by the system. The node has a valid cluster ID and a valid node ID.
Starting The node has been restarted. It is attempting to join the system cluster however, it cannot yet perform I/O.