
Use the mktwopersonintegrityrequest command to request a role elevation for yourself. This command requests on behalf of the current user invoking this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram svctask mktwopersonintegrityrequest -minutesrequested'minutes'


-minutesrequested 'minutes'
(Required) Specifies the duration (in minutes) of the role elevation.


To run the mktwopersonintegrityrequest command, the following conditions must be met:
  • TPI must be enabled.
  • You must not have any active role elevation requests.
  • You must not be a superuser.

An invocation example

The following example shows a role elevation request:

mktwopersonintegrityrequest -minutesrequested 45

The resulting output:

Two Person Integrity request, id[3], successfully created