
Use the mkproxy command to create a system-wide web proxy server configuration.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram mkproxy -url proxy_url -port port_number -usernameproxy_user-password'proxy_password'-sslcertcertificate_file


-url proxy_url
(Required) Specifies the proxy server URL with a protocol prefix in fully qualified domain name format.
-port port_number
(Required) Specifies the proxy server port number. The value must be an integer (1-65535).
-username proxy_user
(Optional) Specifies the basic authentication username. The username cannot start or end with a blank. The username can consist of a string of 1 - 64 ASCII characters except for the following characters % : " , * '.
-password 'proxy_password'
(Optional) Specifies the basic authentication user password. The password cannot start or end with a blank. It must consist of a string of 6 - 64 printable ASCII characters. Do not specify the -password parameter if you want to have an empty password. You should enclose the password in single quotation marks.
-sslcert certificate_file
(Optional) Specifies the certificate file path and file name for the proxy server.


This command creates a system proxy server.

Invocation examples

mkproxy -url -port 8080

mkproxy -url -port 8080 -username albatross -password yellowsubmarine

mkproxy -url -port 8080 -sslcert /upgrade/proxy-cert.pem

mkproxy -url -port 8080
CMMVC8725E The command failed because DNS servers are not configured

mkproxy -url http://123456 -port 8080
CMMVC6523E The URL that you have entered is not valid.

mkproxy -port 8080
CMMVC5707E Required parameters are missing.

mkproxy -url -port XYZ
CMMVC5706E An invalid argument has been entered for the [port] parameter.

mkproxy -url -port 8080 -sslcert /upgrade/no-such-file.txt
CMMVC8031E file not found.

mkproxy -url -port 8080 -sslcert /upgrade/not-a-cert.txt
CMMVC8794E Invalid certificate file.

The resulting output:

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