
Use the mkprovisioningpolicy command to create a new provisioning policy on the system.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram mkprovisioningpolicy -namename -capacitysaving nonethincompressed-deduplicated


(Optional) Name of the provisioning policy.
-capacitysaving none | thin | compressed
(Required) Specifies the capacity savings for the provisioning policy.

The capacity savings specified by the provisioning policy are applied to new volumes in addition to any built-in capacity saving functions of the storage pool. For example, pools containing certain drive types, such as FlashCore Module drives, are self-compressing.

  • A provisioning policy specifying thin-provisioning can only be used with standard storage pools.
  • A provisioning policy specifying compression can only be used with data reduction storage pools.
(Optional) Specifies the provisioning policy should use deduplication.
Note: A provisioning policy specifying deduplication can only be used with data reduction pools.

An invocation example

mkprovisioningpolicy -name appVolumes -capacitysaving compressed -deduplicated

The resulting output:

Provisioning policy, id [2], successfully created