
Use the lspartition command to generate a list with concise or detailed information on storage partitions on the system.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram lspartition partition_namepartition_id


partition_name | partition_id
(Optional) Specifies the name or ID of the partition. When this parameter is used, a detailed view of the storage partition is displayed. If this parameter is omitted, a concise view of all storage partitions is displayed.
This table describes possible outputs.
Table 1. lspartition output
Attribute Value
id Indicates the ID of the partition.
name Indicates the name of the partition.
preferred_management_location Indicates the location number (1 or 2) for the preferred management system. This identifier can be used to determine which of the location1 or location2 fields correspond to preferred management system.
preferred_management_system_id Indicates the ID of the system for the preferred management system.
preferred_management_system_name Indicates the name of the system for the preferred management system.
active_management_location Indicates the location number (1 or 2) for the active management system. This identifier can be used to determine which of the location1 or location2 fields correspond to active management system.
active_management_system_id Indicates the ID of the system for the active management system.
active_management_system_name Indicates the name of the system for the active management system.
replication_policy_id Indicates the ID of the replication policy that is associated with the partition.
replication_policy_name Indicates the name of the replication policy that is associated with the partition.
location1_system_id Indicates the ID of the system in location1 of the replication policy that is associated with the partition or of the local system if no replication policy is associated.
location1_system_name Indicates the name of the system in location1 of the replication policy that is associated with the partition or of the local system if no replication policy is associated.
For partitions with an associated replication policy:
Indicates the health status of the system in location1 of the replication policy. The following statuses can be displayed:
  • healthy
  • unhealthy
  • disconnected
  • suspended
  • blank
A status of unhealthy indicates that there is an error that affects replication. A status of suspended indicates that user intervention is required.
For single-system partitions:
Indicates the health status of the member volume groups. The following statuses can be displayed:
  • healthy
  • unhealthy
A status of unhealthy indicates that one or more volumes in one or more of the member groups is unavailable.
location2_system_id Indicates the ID of the system in location 2 of the replication policy that is associated with the partition.
location2_system_name Indicates the name of the system in location 2 of the replication policy that is associated with the partition.
location2_status Indicates the health status of the system in location 2 of the replication policy that is associated with the partition. The following statuses can be displayed:
  • healthy
  • unhealthy
  • disconnected
  • suspended
  • blank
A status of unhealthy indicates that there is an error that affects replication. A status of suspended indicates that user intervention is required.
host_count Indicates the number of hosts that are associated with the partition.

Indicates the number of hosts in the storage partition that are offline on one or more systems.

volume_group_count Indicates the number of volume groups that are associated with the partition.
volume_group_synchronized_count Indicates the number of volume groups that are associated with the partition that are synchronized.
volume_group_synchronizing_count Indicates the number of volume groups that are associated with the partition that are synchronizing.
volume_group_stopped_count Indicates the number of volume groups that are associated with the partition that are not synchronized or actively synchronizing.
ha_status Indicates the HA status between the two locations in the replication policy that is associated with the partition. The following statuses can be displayed:
  • established
  • establishing
  • suspended
  • problem
  • blank
A status of establishing indicates that HA is in the process of being established and no user action is required.

Indicates the status of HA replication between the systems in location1 and location 2 of the replication policy assigned to the storage partition.

The following statuses can be displayed:
  • synchronized
  • synchronizing
  • suspended
  • disconnected
  • blank
desired_location_system_id Indicates the cluster ID of the remote system to which the storage partition is migrated.
desired_location_system_name Indicates the cluster name of the remote system to which the storage partition is migrated.
migration_status Indicates the storage partition migration status. One of the following status will be displayed:
  • queued
  • in progress
  • user action required
  • aborting
  • blank
  • suspended
uuid Indicates the universally unique identifier for this partition.
dr_link_status Indicates the status of the DR replication link for the partition. This field is only populated when the partition is linked for DR replication. One of the following status will be displayed.
  • unused - The partition is linked for DR replication, but no volume groups are configured for DR replication.
  • healthy - All volume groups configured for DR replication are either running or independent.
  • problem - There is a problem affecting the DR replication for one or more volume groups. Check the volume groups in the partition.
  • disconnected - A connectivity problem prevents DR replication for the volume groups in this partition.
dr_link_direction Indicates the direction of replication using the DR replication link for the partition. This field is only populated when the partition is linked for DR replication.
dr_linked_partition_uuid The UUID of the remote partition linked for disaster recovery replication. This field is only populated when the partition has a disaster recovery link.
dr_linked_partition_name Indicates the name of the remote partition linked for disaster recovery replication.
dr_linked_remote_system_1_id Indicates the ID of the first system in the DR-linked partition.
dr_linked_remote_system_1_name Indicates the name of the first system in the DR-linked partition.
dr_linked_remote_system_2_id Indicates the ID of the second system in the DR-linked partition.
dr_linked_remote_system_2_name Indicates the name of the second system in the DR-linked partition.
force_upper_location Indicates if this partition should be shown in the upper location of the topology diagram in the GUI, overriding the default layout for the view. This attribute indicates any user-specified preference for the layout. The local_location field below determines the actual layout. It is only used for partitions configured for 2-site replication for disaster recovery.
local_location Indicates if this partition is in the upper or lower location of the topology diagram. This attribute is only used for partitions configured for disaster recovery replication.
draft Indicates that this partition is a draft.
draft_volume_group_count Indicates the number of volume groups that are associated with this draft partition.
draft_host_count Indicates the number of hosts that are associated with this draft partition.
user_action_sequence_number Indicates the event sequence number for which the user action is requested.
user_action_type Indicates the type of the user action. The following statuses can be displayed:
  • host_rescan_requested
  • commit_or_rollback
host_provisioned_capacity Indicates the total amount of the host_provisioned_capacity from the member volume groups.
protection_provisioned_capacity Indicates the total amount of the protection_provisioned_capacity from the member volume groups.
protection_written_capacity Indicates the total amount of the protection_written_capacity from the member volume groups.


The following fields are blank for a single-system partition:
  • replication_policy_id
  • replication_policy_name
  • preferred_management_location
  • preferred_management_system_id
  • preferred_management_system_name
  • active_management_location
  • active_management_system_id
  • active_management_system_name
  • location2_system_id
  • location2_system_name
  • location2_status
  • host_count
  • host_offline_count
  • volume_group_count
  • volume_group_synchronized_count
  • volume_group_synchronizing_count
  • volume_group_stopped_count
  • ha_status
  • link_status
Note: For single-system partitions, location1 fields that were previously blank are now populated.