
Use the lscmdstatus command to display the status of any currently running service-aid task.


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The name of the panel. This command fails if the panel_name ID is not in the list that is returned by lsservicenodes.
Note: If panel_name is not supplied, this value applies to the node on which the command is running.


This command displays the status of any currently running service-aid task. If no task is running, then the completion status of the last task is displayed. Any user can specify this CLI command.

If no service-aid tasks run since the node was last restarted, the command returns immediately with no output. Otherwise, it display something similar to example below.

This table provides the attribute values that can be displayed as output view data.
Table 1. lscmdstatus output
Attribute Description
T3_status Indicates the T3 recovery status.
T3_status_data Indicates the T3 recovery status activity.
cpfiles_status Indicates the cpfiles command status.
cpfiles_status_data Indicates the cpfiles command activity.
snap_status Indicates the snap command status.
installsoftware_status Indicates the installsoftware command status.
supportupload_status Indicates the upload activity status. The values are:
  • active indicates that the upload is ongoing.
  • complete indicates that the upload completed successfully.
  • failed indicates that the upload failed.
  • abort indicates that the upload is aborted.
  • wait indicates that the upload is underway but not completed.
supportupload_status_data Indicates upload activity information (for example uploading).
supportupload_progress_percent Indicates the upload progress percentage. The value is a number in the range 0 - 100.
supportupload_throughout_KBps Indicates the upload speed in kilobytes per second (KBps). The value is a number (integer).
supportupload_filename Indicates the file name. The standard length is 256 characters.
downloadsoftware_status Indicates the download activity status. The values are:
  • active indicates that the download is ongoing.
  • complete indicates that the download completed successfully.
  • failed indicates that the download failed.
  • abort indicates that the download is aborted.
downloadsoftware_status_data Indicates the download activity information (for example Downloading the bundle).
downloadsoftware_progress_percent Indicates the download progress percentage. The value is a number in the range 0 - 100.
downloadsoftware_throughput_KBps Indicates the download speed in kilobytes per second (KBps). The value is a number (integer).
downloadsoftware_size Indicates the total size of the selected bundle to download. The value must be a number (decimal) and must be in the format TiB, GiB, MiB, or KiB.