Configuration event IDs
Configuration event IDs are generated when configuration parameters are set.
Configuration event IDs are recorded in a separate log. They do not raise notification types or send emails. Their error fixed flags are ignored. Table 1 provides a list of the configuration event IDs and their meanings.
Event ID | Description |
990101 | Modify clustered system (attributes in the chsystem command) |
990102 | The email test completed successfully |
990103 | The email test failed |
990105 | Delete node from clustered system (attributes in the rmnode command) |
990106 | Create host (attributes in the mkhost command) |
990112 | Clustered system configuration dumped to file (attributes from the svcluster -x dumpconfig command) |
990117 | Create clustered system (attributes in the mkcluster command) |
990118 | Modify node (attributes in the chnode command) |
990119 | Configure set controller name |
990120 | Shut down node (attributes in the stopsystem command) |
990128 | Modify host (attributes in the chhost command) |
990129 | Delete node (attributes in the rmnode command) |
990138 | Volume modify (attributes in the chvdisk command) |
990140 | Volume delete (attributes in the rmvdisk command) |
990144 | Modify storage pool (attributes in the chmdiskgrp command) |
990145 | Delete storage pool (attributes in the rmdiskgrp command) |
990148 | Create storage pool (attributes in the mkmdiskgrp command) |
990149 | Modify managed disk (attributes in the chmdisk command) |
990150 | Modify managed disk |
990158 | Managed disk included |
990159 | Quorum created |
990160 | Quorum destroy |
990168 | Modify the I/O group a volume is assigned to |
990169 | Create a new volume (attributes in the mkvdisk command) |
990173 | Add a managed disk to storage pool (attributes in the addmdisk command) |
990174 | Delete a managed disk from storage pool (attributes in the rmmdisk command) |
990178 | Add a port to a Host (attributes in the addhostport command) |
990179 | Delete a port from a host (attributes in the rmhostport command) |
990182 | Create a host mapping (attributes in the mkvdiskhostmap command) |
990183 | Delete a host mapping (attributes in the rmdiskhostmap command) |
990184 | Create a FlashCopy® mapping (attributes in the mkfcmap command) |
990185 | Modify a FlashCopy mapping (attributes in the chfcmap command) |
990186 | Delete a FlashCopy mapping (attributes in the rmfcmap command) |
990187 | Prepare a FlashCopy mapping (attributes in the prestartfcmap command) |
990188 | Prepare a FlashCopy consistency group (attributes in the prestartfcconsistgrp command) |
990189 | Trigger a FlashCopy mapping (attributes in the startfcmap command) |
990190 | Trigger a FlashCopy consistency group (attributes in the startfcconsistgrp command) |
990191 | Stop a FlashCopy mapping (attributes in the stopfcmap command) |
990192 | Stop a FlashCopy consistency group (attributes in the stopfcconsistgrp command) |
990193 | FlashCopy set name |
990194 | Delete a list of ports from a Host (attributes in the rmhostport command) |
990196 | Shrink a volume. |
990197 | Expand a volume (attributes in the expandvdisksize command) |
990198 | Volume expanded by a single extent. |
990199 | Modify the I/O governing rate for a volume |
990203 | Initiate manual managed disk discovery (attributes in the detectmdisk command) |
990204 | Create FlashCopy consistency group (attributes in the mkfcconsistgrp command) |
990205 | Modify FlashCopy consistency group (attributes in the chfcconsistgrp command) |
990206 | Delete FlashCopy consistency group (attributes in the rmfcconsistgrp command) |
990207 | Delete a list of hosts (attributes in the rmhost command) |
990213 | Change the I/O group a node belongs to (attributes in the chiogrp command) |
990216 | Apply software update (attributes in the satask installsoftware command) |
990219 | Analyze event log (attributes in the finderr command) |
990220 | Dump event log (attributes in the satask snap command) |
990222 | Fix event log entry (attributes in the cherrstate command) |
990223 | Migrate a single extent (attributes in the migrateexts command) |
990224 | Migrate a number of extents |
990225 | Create a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror or Global Mirror relationship (attributes in the mkrcrelationship command) |
990226 | Modify a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship (attributes in the chrcrelationship command) |
990227 | Delete a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship (attributes in the rmrcrelationship command) |
990229 | Start a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship (attributes in the startrcrelationship command) |
990230 | Stop a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship (attributes in the stoprcrelationship command) |
990231 | Switch a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship (attributes in the switchrcrelationship command) |
990232 | Start a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group (attributes in the startrcconsistgrp command) |
990233 | Stop a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group (attributes in the stoprcconsistgrp command) |
990234 | Switch a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group (attributes in the switchrcconsistgrp command) |
990235 | Managed disk migrated to a storage pool |
990236 | Volume migrated to a new managed disk |
990237 | Create partnership with remote clustered system (attributes in the mkpartnership command) |
990238 | Modify partnership with remote clustered system (attributes in the chpartnership command) |
990239 | Delete partnership with remote clustered system (attributes in the rmpartnership command) |
990240 | Create a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group (attributes in the mkrcconsistgrp command) |
990241 | Modify a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group (attributes in the chrcconsistgrp command) |
990242 | Delete a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group (attributes in the rmrcconsistgrp command) |
990245 | Node shutdown imminent |
990246 | Node remove |
990247 | Node unpend |
990380 | Time zone changed (attributes in the settimezone command) |
990383 | Change clustered system time (attributes in the setsystemtime command) |
990385 | System time changed |
990386 | SSH key added (attributes in the addsshkey command) |
990387 | SSH key removed (attributes in the rmsshkey command) |
990388 | All SSH keys removed (attributes in the rmallsshkeys command) |
990390 | Add node to the clustered system |
990395 | Shutdown or reset node |
990410 | The software installation has started. |
990415 | The software installation has completed. |
990420 | The software installation has failed. |
990423 | The software installation has stalled. |
990425 | The software installation has stopped. |
990430 | The Planar Serial Number has changed. |
990501 | The licensed feature has changed. See the license settings log for details. |
990510 | The configuration limits have been changed. |
991024 | I/O tracing has finished and the managed disk has been triggered. |
991025 | The autoexpand setting of the volume has been modified. |
991026 | The primary copy of the volume has been modified. |
991027 | The volume synchronization rate has been modified. |
991028 | The thin-provisioned volume warning capacity has been modified. |
991029 | A mirrored copy has been added to a volume. |
991030 | A repair of mirrored volume copies has started. |
991031 | A volume copy has been split from a mirrored volume. |
991032 | A volume copy has been removed from a mirrored volume. |