Using the installation and upgrade worksheet
The Installation and Upgrade Worksheet is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (p8_worksheet.xls). The worksheet describes the properties and parameters required to complete FileNetĀ® P8 installation, upgrade, and configuration programs, and provides a way to record the values you assign to these properties and parameters.
Administrators who are preparing the environment for installation or upgrade of FileNet P8 components must use the worksheet during their preparation tasks to record the appropriate values and provide them to the Installation Administrator who runs the installation or upgrade programs.
Some of the features of the Installation and Upgrade Worksheet are:
- Instructions: describes the worksheet and includes a button that runs the Customize Worksheet macro.
- The two highlighted columns, Property or Parameter and ENTER YOUR VALUE HERE, provide the simplest view of the requirement. The others add identifying information and help you sort and filter the rows usefully.
- The Role column assigns each row to an
administrator and uses the following acronyms:
- IA: Installation Administrator
- ITA: Information Technology Administrator
- ASA: Application Server Administrator
- DBA: Database Administrator
- SA: Security Administrator
- P8A: FileNet P8 Administrator
- Property definitions are contained in the column titled Description.
- Some rows, though not all, contain a hyperlink in the IC help link column. Click this hyperlink to run a query against the online documentation, which opens with the Search Results pane showing the topics that contain the words in the query phrase. Browse the search results until you have enough information to be able to enter a value in the Worksheet row.