Rolling back an upgrade

If you want to roll back an upgrade, you restore your databases and storage backups, uninstall and reinstall the operator, then reapply your previous custom resource YAML file.


Note: Starting with V5.5.9, you cannot rollback an upgrade to a previous version without removing the previous version of the operator.
To roll back an upgrade:

  1. Scale down your operator container.
  2. If your database schema changed during the upgrade, scale down your component containers.

    If the database schema did not change or your containers do not communicate with a database, you do not need to scale the component pods to 0. If the schema changed between releases then you do need to scale that specific component down to 0 before you restore the database.

  3. If necessary, restore your databases and storage volumes from the backups you made before you upgraded.

    If you do restore the database, then you must ensure that the data is consistent between the database and the objects in the persistent volumes.

    Important: Do not restore the volumes and claims for the operator. The reinstalled operator uses the volumes and claims for the operator.
    Tip: If you want the operator to rebuild default XML files, then leave the directories that contain the files empty. For example, Content Manager uses the configDropins/overrides directory.
  4. Retrieve your backup copy of your previous custom resource YAML file.
  5. For Content Manager, edit the custom resource YAML to comment out the initialization and verification sections.
  6. Uninstall the just upgraded operator and reinstall the down-level operator using the previous instructions.

    For uninstall instructions, refer topic Uninstalling components and for reinstall procedure, refer to instructions in Installing the FileNet Content Manager operator.

  7. Apply the edited custom resource YAML from your previous deployment.
    For example, the following command applies a file that is named my_backup_fncm_cr.yaml.
    oc apply -f descriptors/my_backup_fncm_cr.yaml

What to do next

Confirm that the system is restored, and up and running as expected.