The Customize Worksheet macro
lets you extract only those rows that describe your environment.
About this task
Important: For support of the full range of
built-in filter and macro features, use Microsoft Excel to view the Installation
and Upgrade Worksheet file. You can use other spreadsheet programs
to view the file; however, filter and macro support can vary. For
example, in Calc from OpenOffice.Org, the column filters work as expected,
but the Customize Worksheet button does not.
To run the Customize Worksheet macro:
- Open the Installation and Upgrade Worksheet (p8_worksheet.xls)
and click the Instructions worksheet (also
called a tab).
- Scroll down until you see the button representing the Customize
Worksheet macro. Click the button.
- Select the components and options that describe the environment
you are preparing for FileNetĀ®
- Installation or Upgrade
- FileNet P8 Components
- Application Server type
- Operating system
- Database type
- Directory Server type
- Number of object stores (adds new sets of rows for creating
additional data sources)
- Name of customized sheet
- Click OK. The macro copies the rows
that fulfill your selection criteria into a new worksheet with the
name you entered. Enter the values for your environment into this
new worksheet.
- Click the name of the new worksheet at the bottom of the
Excel window. Add your preparation values into this new worksheet.
- Notice that the new worksheet has buttons at the top titled Show
Installer View and Show Full View,
depending on its state. The Show Installer View displays
only those columns that you need while running installation or configuration