There are several ways to organize
the Worksheet to make finding properties and entering values easier.
About this task
AutoFiltering is a quick way to display only those rows
that meet a certain criterion.
To use AutoFilter:
- Make sure AutoFiltering is enabled. (Select the entire
row with the column headers, then click .) AutoFilter arrows will appear to the right of the
column labels.
- Click the AutoFilter arrow in the Installation
or Configuration Program column header and select the
program you are interested in (for example, CPE installer).
- For a custom AutoFilter, click the AutoFilter arrow
in any column header, select Custom, and use
the dialog box to define a filter that will show rows that meet your
- To turn off AutoFiltering in a column, click the column AutoFilter arrow
and select (All).
- To reorder rows alphabetically, do a Sort:
- Click anywhere in a column, for example, Column A Role.
The only possible values in the Role column are ASA, SA,
DBA, ITA, and P8A. Sorting on Role therefore groups the rows by this
attribute, in alphabetic order. Several other columns also have a
limited number of possible values which means they can be usefully
- Click the Sort Ascending icon
in the Excel toolbar, or use the menu command.
rows sort on Role.
Sorting the Worksheet reassigns row numbers.
If you refer to rows by number, be aware that row numbers change if
you change the sort order.