Preparing advanced storage areas

Before you create an advanced storage area, you need to complete the following planning-related actions:

  • Create a storage plan that is based on your replication requirements. See Replication models for advanced storage areas for an overview of supported replication models.
  • Consider whether you require site-setting overrides for replication.
  • Decide on key configuration settings for an advanced storage area. For storing content, do you need compression, duplication suppression, or encryption? For deleting content, which method of removal satisfies your security requirements?
  • Consider your need to assign the advanced storage area to a storage policy. Do you want to distribute content between storage areas, where the system evaluates configured criteria to determine which area to store the content?

After your storage plan is in place, create one or more advanced storage devices to connect to the advanced storage area. You can use OpenStack cloud storage and file system storage as advanced storage devices. You must create the advanced storage devices before you can create an advanced storage area for an object store.