Configuring WebLogic Server for Content Platform Engine

You need to configure WebLogic Server after installing it on the machine where you are going to install and deploy Content Platform Engine.

Before you begin

Before you install and deploy Content Platform Engine on a WebLogic Server machine, you must create a WebLogic Server domain and install JDBC drivers. (The drivers must be installed on the WebLogic Server machine whether your database is collocated or not).

About this task

availabilityContent Platform Engine is an enterprise application running on a Java™ application server and can be configured in a high availability environment. In this configuration, an administrative server manages a number of application server instances. Applications and configuration changes are implemented by using an administrative server/interface and sent to each cluster node. In this type of configuration, the application server software provides the components to build and deploy the highly available enterprise application.

Important: You must use Configuration Manager, rather than a manual method, to create the data sources that Content Platform Engine uses to connect to a database. A data source that you create manually (by interacting directly with an application server interface) can include, by default, many unnecessary and potentially harmful custom properties. Also, for some combinations of database type and application server type, Configuration Manager adds some special custom properties to the data source it creates, which you might fail to include if you create the data source manually. Without these added custom properties, runtime errors can occur when Content Platform Engine tries to connect to a database.


To configure WebLogic Server:

  1. Use the WebLogic Configuration wizard to create a WebLogic Server domain for Content Platform Engine.
    In the following steps, use the domain name FNCEDomain. Keep in mind the following as you configure the domain:
    1. Set the server start mode to Production mode.
    2. Select the appropriate Java Development Kit (JDK) for your environment, as specified in the IBM FileNet P8 system requirements at IBM® FileNet® P8 system requirements.
  2. Use the WebLogic Administration Console to configure the following settings:
    1. Optional: Create a WebLogic Server authentication provider.
      You can use the Content Platform Engine Configuration Manager tool to create a WebLogic Server authentication provider later on, or you can create the provider now by using the WebLogic Console.
      Important: In some situations (for example, if you have a single-sign-on provider, such as Netegrity SiteMinder), Configuration Manager cannot configure a WebLogic authentication provider.
    2. For performance reasons set the parameters that control searches within the authentication provider, as shown in the following table:
      Table 1. Authentication provider search parameters
      Parameter Value Description
      Group Membership Searching unlimited Group searches are unlimited in depth
      Max Group Membership Search Level 0 Only direct group members are found

      If you encounter performance problems, change the Group Membership Searching parameter value to limited.

    3. If you do not use Configuration Manager to configure your LDAP settings, set the Control Flag value. Set the Control Flag to REQUIRED to allow logons to FNCEDomain by LDAP-authenticated users in the Default Authenticator who are not in the active security realm of FNCEDomain.
      The Configuration Manager tool sets this flag when you run the Configure LDAP task.
    4. If you are using multiple authentication providers in an Active Directory environment of multi-forest domains, reorder (as needed) the list of providers so that the most frequently used provider is first in the list, and the least frequently used is last.
      Reordering is necessary to prevent logon failures when FileNet P8 is being accessed by many users simultaneously.
    5. Specify the following heap sizes for the JVM:
      Initial Java heap size (-Xms):
      512 MB
      Maximum Java heap size (-Xmx):
      1024 MB
    6. Set the following JVM parameters:
      • -Duser.language=en
      • -Duser.region=US
  3. See IBM FileNet P8 system requirements at IBM FileNet P8 system requirements at for information about the JDBC driver file for the database type that you need for the GCD or for an object store that you create later.
  4. Depending on your database, use one of the following procedures to install the JDBC drivers.
    1. Obtain the latest version of the Redistributable DB2 JDBC Driver from the IBM web site that matches the version of the JDK on your WebLogic Server machine.
    2. Add the db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar files to the WebLogic Server classpath. by editing the file startWebLogic.cmd or for the WebLogic Server domain you created. For example:
      set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;c:\db2\jdbc\db2jcc.jar;c:\db2\
    Microsoft SQL Server
    1. Download and unzip the version of SQL Server JDBC Driver from Microsoft Support that matches the version of the JDK on your WebLogic Server machine. Place the JDBC driver file in a directory jdbc_path on your application server machine, such as:
      AIX®, Linux®
    2. Perform the following step, depending on your operating system type.
      AIX, Linux
      Edit the file by inserting the following two lines immediately after the first occurrence of the line CLASSPATH=...
      Edit the file startWebLogic.cmd (by default, in the directory C:\WL_HOME\user_projects\domains\bin\FNCEDomain ) for the WebLogic domain you created. Insert the following two lines immediately after the first occurrence of the line CLASSPATH=...
      set JDBC_PATH=jdbc_path\sqljdbc_1.0\enu\sqljdbc.jar
    1. Check to see if the Oracle JDBC Driver file is already on your WebLogic machine by searching for ojdbc##.jar in the wls_install_path/server/lib directory, where wls_install_path is the WebLogic Server installation path.
    2. If no Oracle JDBC Driver file is present, download the file (the one that matches the version of the JDK on your WebLogic Server machine) from the Oracle JDBC Driver Downloads web site to a directory on the WebLogic machine.
      Restriction: If you intend to install add-ons (extensions to IBM FileNet P8 core components), and your Content Platform Engine database is Oracle, your Oracle JDBC Driver file requirements might be more restrictive. For the required version and patch number, see the IBM FileNet P8 system requirements.
    3. From the Oracle web site, apply the patch Oracle Patch Ojdbc##.jar.
    4. For the WebLogic Server domain that you created, apply the following changes:
      In the file startWebLogic.cmd, insert the following two lines immediately after the first set CLASSPATH line:
      set JDBC_PATH=jdbc_path\ojdbc##.jar 
      AIX, HPUX, HPUXi, Linux, Solaris
      In the file, insert the following two lines immediately after the first CLASSPATH line:
  5. If your application server uses the IBM JVM, edit the JAVA_OPTIONS variable to improve performance.
    (WebLogic version 9.2 with IBM Java 5 SR2 JDK only) Add the following line to the file file. Do not type any line breaks.
    Immediately before the SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS=$JAVA_OPTIONS line in the file, insert the following line. Do not type any line breaks.
    Immediately before the set SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% line in the startWebLogic.cmd file, insert this line. Do not type any line breaks.
  6. Stop and then start WebLogic Server.
  7. Give the Configuration Manager user, config_mgr_user, the following permissions:
    1. Read, write, and execute permission on the domain directory ../users_projects/domains/your_domain.
    2. Read and execute permission on the ../common/bin directory.
  8. Record application server values in your customized Installation and Upgrade Worksheet Icon representing the worksheet. To find these properties, use the Autofilter drop-down arrow in Column E, Installation or Configuration Program, to select CM: Create New Installation Profile. Then, use the Autofilter drop-down arrow in Column D, ISV Component Vendor, to select WebLogic.