Definition of installation roles

The installation tasks and the rows in the Installation and Upgrade Worksheet are organized by administrative roles. Your organization might have different roles, and some of the responsibilities of listed roles will vary from those assigned by default in this documentation.

Installation administrator

  • Runs FileNet® P8 installation programs during initial setup.
  • Runs Configuration Manager during initial setup, followed by starting IBM® Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
  • Runs FileNet P8 upgrade programs during upgrades.
  • Abbreviated as IA. Responsible for coordinating the information described in this worksheet. The information itself will require the input from the other roles.

The role of IA is usually filled by an IBM FileNet Certified Professional (FCP).

Information technology administrator

  • Responsible for the networking and operating systems settings required by FileNet P8 .
  • Responsible for performing certain security configurations.
  • Abbreviated as ITA. Responsible for providing the information in the rows in the Installation and Upgrade Worksheet with a value of ITA in the Role column.

Security administrator

  • Responsible for configuring the directory servers required by FileNet P8 components.
  • Creates and maintains directory server user and group accounts.
  • Abbreviated as SA. Responsible for providing the information in the rows in the Installation and Upgrade Worksheet with a value of SA in the Role column.

Database administrator

  • Creates, configures, maintains database installations and database or table spaces.
  • Responsible for creating database accounts needed by FileNet P8 .
  • For purposes of this documentation, the database administrator is expected to have responsibilities regarding the JDBC data sources.
  • Abbreviated as DBA. Responsible for providing the information in the rows in the Installation and Upgrade Worksheet with a value of DBA in the Role column.

Application server administrator

  • Responsible for providing the application servers required by FileNet P8 .
  • Responsible for application server administrative accounts.
  • Abbreviated as ASA. Responsible for providing the information in the rows in the Installation and Upgrade Worksheet with a value of ASA in the Role column.

FileNet P8 administrator

  • This role designation refers to the administrator or administrators who perform regular maintenance of Content Platform Engine.
  • The administrator who logs on to IBM Administration Console for Content Platform Engine by using the gcd_admin account or an object_store_admin account is considered a FileNet P8 administrator.
  • Abbreviated as P8A. Responsible for providing the information in the rows of the Installation and Upgrade Worksheet with a value of P8A in the Role column.