Creating volumes and folders for deployment

The FNCM component containers require some persistent volumes, persistent volume claims, and folders to be created before you can deploy. The deployment process uses these volumes and folders during the deployment. The following steps cover static provisioning of the persistent volumes and persistent volume claims.

Before you begin

Before you create the persistent volumes and persistent volume claims, make sure that you consider the appropriate permissions for folders based on the storage type. For more information, see the topic Persistent volumes and storage classes.

About this task

You can choose to have the operator dynamically provision storage for you at deployment time. In that case, you do not need to create volumes and folders manually for your container environment. You can maintain the default storage values for your FNCM components in the custom resource YAML.

Remember: You can use both static and dynamic storage provisioning. For those FNCM components with default storage values, the operator uses the persistent volume claim names to determine whether a claim already exists.
  • If the claim does not exist, dynamic provisioning is used. When the claim is created, the persistent volume claim names that are provided in the custom resource YAML are used.
  • If the claim does exist, that claim is used during deployment.
  • If static provisioning is used, you need to pre-create the persistent volumes and persistent volume claims and provide the persistent volume claim name in the CR.

If you want to use statically provisioned configuration for your storage, use the steps in mentioned in the following procedure.

Remember: The storage volumes that you create must specify the appropriate reclaim policy and access modes:
  • accessModes: ReadWriteMany
  • persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain

The reclaim policy must be specified as Retain for persistent volumes that store data. It includes the persistent volume that is created for the cpe-filestore-pvc and css-indexstore-pvc. For dynamically created volumes, the storage class that is specified must be configured with a Retain reclaim policy to have a reclaim policy of retain. Other PVCs can optionally be configured with Retain if the contents of the volume are difficult to reconstruct. For example, the location where binaries might be uploaded such as the cpe-cfgstore-pvc or icn-pluginstore-pvc.

Note: For deployments against a preexisting FileNet P8 domain, make sure that all folders and files are updated with the permissions and group ownership settings. For more information, see the topic Persistent volumes and storage classes. The group ownership settings must match the new deployment of the FNCM environment:
  • When during a major version upgrade, you want to deploy your existing data and configuration in a new environment that uses a new namespace.
  • Or, when you want to recover a preexisting FileNet P8 domain by deploying the same version of FNCM to a new namespace, in a new cluster.
On the storage server that hosts the file system, go to the root path that contains all related PV folders, and run
chmod -R g+rw 

The persistent volume names, path, and size that are provided in the following tables are examples. During deployment, the FNCM operator looks for the provided persistent volume claim names as the default.


  • The following template uses Amazon EFS CSI to create your PV and PVCs. Edit the template with the values found in the following tables:
    Persistent volume template:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      name: <PVName>
      - ReadWriteMany
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
        storage: <Size>
        volumeHandle: <FileSystemId>:<Path>
    Persistent volume claim template:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: <PVCName>
      namespace: <NAMESPACE>
      - ReadWriteMany
          storage: <Size>
      volumeName: <PVName>
      storageClassName: ""

    The following examples illustrate the Amazon EFS CSI YAML file to create a persistent volume and persistent volume claim for the Content Platform Engine Liberty configuration volume.

    Persistent volume for CPE content storage file store:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      name: cpe-filestore-pv
      - ReadWriteMany
        storage: 1Gi
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
        volumeHandle: fs-e8a95a42:/asa
    Persistent volume claim for CPE content storage file store:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: cpe-filestore
      namespace: fncm
      - ReadWriteMany
          storage: 1Gi
      volumeName: cpe-filestore-pv
  • Review the following tables for all persistent volume and persistent volume claims information for each component.
    Table 1. Volumes, volume claims, and folders for Content Platform Engine
    Volume purpose Example Folder to Create Example Volume and Volume Claim to Create Default PVC Size mountPath as seen by Container
    Content Platform Engine Liberty configuration /configDropins/overrides cpe-cfgstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/configDropins/overrides
    Content Platform Engine Liberty logs /logs cpe-logstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/logs
    Content Platform Engine FileNet® logs /cpefnlogstore cpe-fnlogstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/FileNet
    Content Platform Engine FileNet (upgrade only) /bootstrap cpe- bootstrapstore-pv

    cpe- bootstrapstore-pvc

    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/lib/bootstrap
    Content Platform Engine temporary working space /textext cpe-textextstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/textext
    Content Platform Engine IBM® Case Manager rules /icmrules cpe-icmrulesstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/icmrules
    Content Platform Engine file system-based advanced storage device or file store /asa cpe-filestore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/asa
    Table 2. Volumes, volume claims, and folders for IBM Content Navigator
    Volume purpose Example Folder to Create Example Volume and Volume Claim to Create Default PVC Size mountPath as seen by container
    IBM Content Navigator Liberty configuration /configDropins/overrides icn-cfgstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/configDropins/overrides
    IBM Content Navigator and Liberty logs /logs icn-logstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/logs
    Custom plug-ins for IBM Content Navigator /plugins icn-pluginstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/plugins
    IBM Content Navigator viewer logs for Daeja® ViewONE /icnvwlogstore icn-vw-logstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/viewerconfig/logs
    IBM Content Navigator storage for the Daeja ViewONE cache /icnvwcachestore icn-vw-cachestore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/viewerconfig/cache
    IBM Content Navigator storage for Aspera® /icnasperastore icn-asperastore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/aspera
    Table 3. Volumes, volume claims, and folders for Content Services GraphQL
    Volume purpose Example Folder to Create Example Volume and Volume Claim to Create Default PVC Size mountPath as seen by container
    GraphQL Liberty configuration /configDropins/overrides graphql-cfgstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/configDropins/overrides
    GraphQL and Liberty logs /logs graphql-logstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/logs
    Table 4. Volumes, volume claims, and folders for Content Search Services
    Volume purpose Example Folder to Create Example Volume and Volume Claim to Create Default PVC Size mountPath as seen by container
    Content Search services container data /CSS_Server_data/sslkeystore css-cfgstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/IBM/ContentSearchServices/CSS_Server/data
    Content Search Services temporary working space /CSS_Server_temp css-tempstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/IBM/ContentSearchServices/CSS_Server/temp
    Content Search Services logs /CSS_Server_log css-logstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/IBM/ContentSearchServices/CSS_Server/log
    Content Search Services full-text indexes /CSS_Indexes css-indexstore


    1Gi /opt/ibm/indexareas
    Content Search Services custom store /csscustomstore/CSS_config cs-icp-customstore 1Gi /opt/IBM/ContentSearchServices/CSS_Server/config
    Table 5. Volumes, volume claims, and folders for Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS)
    Volume purpose Example Folder to Create Example Volume and Volume Claim Name Default PVC Size mountPath as seen by container
    CMIS and Liberty configuration data /configDropins/overrides cmis-cfgstore-pv


    1Gi /cmiscfgstore/cmis/configDropins/overrides
    Logs volume for IBM Content Navigator and Liberty logs /cmis/logs cmis-logstore-pv


    1Gi /cmislogstore/cmis/logs
    Table 6. Volumes, volume claims, and folders for Task Manager
    Volume purpose Example Folder to Create Example Volume and Volume Claim to Create Default PVC Size mountPath as seen by container
    Task Manager Liberty configuration /configDropins/overrides tm-cfgstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/configDropins/overrides
    Task Manager and Liberty logs /logs tm-logstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/logs
    Custom plug-ins for Task Manager /plugins tm-pluginstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/plugins
    Table 7. Volumes, volume claims, and folders for External Share
    Volume purpose Example Folder to Create Example Volume and Volume Claim to Create Default PVC Size mountPath as seen by container
    External Share Liberty configuration /configDropins/overrides es-cfgstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/configDropins/overrides
    External Share and Liberty logs /logs es-logstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/logs
    Table 8. Volumes, volume claims, and folders for Enterprise Records
    Volume purpose Example Folder to Create Example Volume and Volume Claim to Create Default PVC Size mountPath as seen by container
    Enterprise Records logs /logs ier-logstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/logs
    Table 9. Volumes, volume claims, and folders for Content Collector for SAP
    Volume purpose Example Folder to Create Example Volume and Volume Claim to Create Default PVC Size mountPath as seen by container
    CCSAP configuration /instance iccsap-instance-pv


    1Gi /opt/IBM/iccsap/instance
    CCSAP logs /logs iccsap-logstore-pv


    1Gi /opt/IBM/iccsap/logs
    TSM setup /tsm tsm-setup-pv


    1Gi /opt/tivoli