Logging parameters

Update the custom YAML file to provide the details that are relevant for logging your automation component activity.
Table 1. Logging configuration parameters: spec.logging_configuration
Parameters Description Default or Example Values Required
mon_log_parse Set this parameter to "true" to enable log parsing. This allows you to filter and query logs using parsed parameters. true No
mon_log_service_endpoint This is the endpoint to the Elasticsearch server. For example, <elastic_search_server_host>:9200 <hostname>:9200 No
private_logging_enabled Specify whether to use private logging. Setting to true (for Filebeat) writes the console log, message log, trace log, and ffdc log to the folder /logs/application.

Setting to false (for Red Hat OpenShift) writes the console log, message log, trace log, and ffdc log to the folder stdout.

false No
  • default, enable logging at the DBA container as backend service.
  • sidecar, enable logging as the DBA container's sidecar.
  • node-logging, enable logging as DaemonSet to collect Kubernetes node logging.
default No
mon_log_path Colon (:) separated list of paths to logs that Filebeat should forward. By default, the principle logs for the IBM components, including Liberty and the containerized applications, are forwarded automatically when logging is enabled for a component. To have Filebeat forward other logs, use the MON_LOG_PATH parameter can be used to provide the list of file paths as seen by Filebeat from inside the container. /path_to_extra_log No