Initialization parameters

Update the custom resource YAML file to provide the details that are relevant for initializing your FileNet® Content Manager and Business Automation Navigator components. In the current Fully Customizable CR (ibm_cp4a_cr_custom_FC_content.yaml), the default values in the initialize_configuration section are set as example. Change the default values to meet your requirement.
Table 1. Initialization configuration parameters: scim_configuration
Parameters Description Required
name Use unique name when you create SCIM Directory provider object in the FileNet P8 domain. Yes
auth_url The OAuth token URL of the identity provider from which a request is made to obtain a Bearer token. See SCIMAuthenticationURL for important details. No
context_path Context path to SCIM endpoint. Yes
host Specifies the name of the host that is running the directory server product. Yes
port Specifies the port number of the directory server. Yes
ssl_enabled True if SCIM directory server requires SSL connections. No
allow_email_or_upn_short_names Enable users to sign in with their email address or user principle name (UPN). No
admin_groups List of administrative groups. Yes
admin_users List of administrative users. Yes
group_base_dn Optional: Used if the SCIM provider has no GroupDNAttribute. It is used to artificially create a DN based on the group DisplayName No
group_unique_id_attribute Attribute that serves as the security identifier (SID) for each group. Select an attribute whose values are unique and do not change over time. See GroupUniqueIDAttribute Yes
group_name_attribute Attribute holding the name for a Group object. See GroupNameAttribute. Yes
group_display_name_attribute Specifies the display name for a Group object. See GroupDisplayNameAttribute. Yes
group_dn_attribute Optional: SCIM attribute contains a group’s DN at the SCIM provider. See GroupDNAttibute. No
user_dn_attribute Optional: SCIM attribute contains a user’s DN at the SCIM provider. See UserDNAttibute. No
user_base_dn Optional: Used if SCIM provider has no UserDNAttribute. It is used to artificially create a DN based on the userName. No
user_unique_id_attribute Attribute that serves as the security identifier (SID) for each user. Select an attribute whose values are unique and do not change over time. See UserUniqueIDAttribute. Yes
user_name_attribute Attribute holding the name for user object. See UserNameAttribute. Yes
user_display_name_attribute Specifies the display name for user object. See UserDisplayNameAttribute. Yes
scim_secret_name Name of secret containing service connection credentials scimUsername, scimPassword. For important information about the contents of the secret, see DirectoryServerPassword. Yes
service_type Specifies the type of directory server; recommended setting to AUTO_DETECT. See SCIMServiceType. No
Table 2. Initialization configuration parameters: spec.initialize_configuration.ic_domain_creation
Parameters Description Default or Example Values Required
domain_name Provide a name for the domain. P8DOMAIN No
encryption_key The encryption strength. 128 No
Table 3. Initialization configuration parameters: spec.initialize_configuration.ic_ldap_managed_realm
Parameters Description Default or Example Values Required
managed_realm_name A user-intelligible name for the realm. externalManaged No
managed_realm_base_dn The base DN that to use as the suffix for distinguished names that are generated by the provider that will be unique across all realms (both managed and LDAP). dc=externalManaged,dc=managed No
managed_realm_principal_cat Defines the category applied to users and groups in this directory realm. External No
managed_realm_auth_realm_name The realm name used to authenticate the user against. null No
managed_realm_uncon_user_cleanup_interval The period in days from creation after which an unconfirmed user record will be removed. null No
managed_realm_exclude_from_auth_user Specifies whether users from this directory should be excluded from being treated as being members of #AUTHENTICATED-USERS. true No
managed_realm_identity_rules The rules determining acceptable email addresses for managed users in this realm. ALLOW, ALLOW_SELF_REGISTER, BLOCK No
managed_realm_identity_rules.identity_rule_type Used along with email suffix to determine whether email address is accepted by this realm.  It can be one of: allow, allow self-register, or block.  See Identity rules for managed users for more details. ALLOW_SELF_REGISTER # ALLOW, ALLOW_SELF_REGISTER, BLOCK No
managed_realm_identity_rules. email_suffix A suffix string against which email addresses are matched by the identity rule. No
Table 4. Initialization configuration parameters: spec.initialize_configuration.ic_ldap_creation
Parameters Description Default or Example Values Required
ic_ldap_admin_user_name Administrator user. Replace with the administrator user for your domain, if different. CEAdmin Yes
ic_ldap_admins_groups_name Administrator group. P8Administrators Yes
ic_ldap_name Name of the LDAP directory. ldap_name No

Type of the LDAP needed only when initializing Microsoft Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (called AD LDS or ADAM).

Initialization by the operator is supported for: IBM Security Directory Server, Microsoft Active Directory, and Microsoft Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.

Default value: value of the lc_selected_ldap_type parameter.

Allowed values:
  • Tivoli (IBM Security Directory Server)
  • AD (Microsoft Active Directory)
  • ADAM (Microsoft Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services)
Table 5. Initialization configuration parameters: spec.initialize_configuration.ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores - object stores
Parameters Description Default or Example Values Required
oc_cpe_obj_store_display_name Display name for the object store to create. OS01 No
oc_cpe_obj_store_symb_name Symbolic name for the object store to create. OS01 No
oc_cpe_obj_store_schema_name Specify a schema name for the object store.
Note: The schema object can be pre-created manually or created automatically by the Content Platform Engine when the object store is initialized. Ensure that the database connection user has the appropriate privileges to create a schema object in the database. The database connection user is specified in the secret that is created for the installation. If you use an Oracle database, you must grant extra permissions to the database connection user for the schema to be automatically created. For more information, see Sharing database connections in Oracle.
os01 No Object store connection name. objectstore1_connection No
oc_cpe_obj_store_conn.site_name The name of the site. InitialSite No
oc_cpe_obj_store_conn.dc_os_datasource_name Add the name of the object store database. FN0S1DS No
oc_cpe_obj_store_conn.dc_os_xa_datasource_name The XA datasource. FN0S1DSXA No
oc_cpe_obj_store_admin_user_groups Specify the users and groups who should have administrative access to the object store. Include the appLoginUsername that will perform the initialization. CEAdmin No
oc_cpe_obj_store_basic_user_groups Specify the users and groups who should have basic, non-administrative access to the object store.
Note: If you are using the initialization capability as part of your Automation Document Processing deployment, leave this parameter blank.
oc_cpe_obj_store_addons Specify whether to enable add-ons. true No
oc_cpe_obj_store_addons_list Add-ons to enable for Content Platform Engine
Note: You specify different values here if you are deploying the Automation Document Processing capability.

- "{CE460ADD-0000-0000-0000-000000000004}"

- "{CE460ADD-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"

- "{CE460ADD-0000-0000-0000-000000000003}"

- "{CE460ADD-0000-0000-0000-000000000005}"

- "{CE511ADD-0000-0000-0000-000000000006}"

- "{CE460ADD-0000-0000-0000-000000000008}"

- "{CE460ADD-0000-0000-0000-000000000007}"

- "{CE460ADD-0000-0000-0000-000000000009}"

- "{CE460ADD-0000-0000-0000-00000000000A}"

- "{CE460ADD-0000-0000-0000-00000000000B}"

- "{CE460ADD-0000-0000-0000-00000000000D}"

- "{CE511ADD-0000-0000-0000-00000000000F}"

oc_cpe_obj_store_asa_name Provide a name for the device demo_storage No
oc_cpe_obj_store_asa_file_systems_storage_device_name Provide a name for the file system storage device demo_file_system_storage No
oc_cpe_obj_store_asa_root_dir_path The root directory path for the object store storage area. /opt/ibm/asa/os01_storagearea1 No
oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_compression Enable or disable object store database compression. false No
oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_content_event_emitter Enable the content event emitter only when deploying BAI. false Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
Table 6. Initialization configuration parameters: spec.initialize_configuration.ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores - workflow
Parameters Description Default or Example Values Required
oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow Specify whether to enable workflow for the object store. The default value is true when it is for the Workflow Case Management Target Object Store in a starter deployment. Otherwise, the default value is false. see the description No
oc_cpe_obj_store_workflow_region_name Specify a name for the workflow region. Required only when ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true. design_region_name Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
oc_cpe_obj_store_workflow_region_number Specify the number of the workflow region. Required only when ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true. 1 Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
oc_cpe_obj_store_workflow_data_tbl_space Specify a table space for the workflow data. Required only when ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true. VWDATA_TS Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
oc_cpe_obj_store_workflow_index_tbl_space Optionally specify a table space for the workflow index. Required only when ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true.   Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
oc_cpe_obj_store_workflow_blob_tbl_space Optionally specify a table space for the workflow blob. Required only when ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true.   Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
oc_cpe_obj_store_workflow_admin_group Designate an LDAP group for the workflow admin group. Required only when ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true. P8Administrators Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
oc_cpe_obj_store_workflow_config_group Designate an LDAP group for the workflow config group. Required only when ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true. P8Administrators Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
oc_cpe_obj_store_workflow_date_time_mask Default format for date and time. Required only when ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true. mm/dd/y hh:tt am Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
oc_cpe_obj_store_workflow_locale Locale for the workflow. Required only when ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true. en Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
oc_cpe_obj_store_workflow_pe_conn_point_name Provide a name for the connection point. Required only when ic_obj_store_creation.object_stores.oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true. pe_conn_os1 Yes, when oc_cpe_obj_store_enable_workflow is true
Table 7. Initialization configuration parameters: spec.initialize_configuration.ic_css_creation
Parameters Description Default or Example Values Required
css_site_name The site name for CSS. Initial Site No
css_text_search_server_name Name for the text search server {{ }}-css-1 No
affinity_group_name The name for an affinity group aff_group No
css_text_search_server_status Status of the CSS text search server. 0 No
css_text_search_server_mode Mode of the CSS text search server. 0 No
css_text_search_server_ssl_enable Specify whether to enable SSL for the CSS text search server. true No
css_text_search_server_credential Credentials for the CSS text search server RNUNEWc= No
css_text_search_server_host Host name for the CSS text search server. {{ }}-css-svc-1 No
css_text_search_server_port Port for the CSS text search server. 8199 No
Table 8. Initialization configuration parameters: spec.initialize_configuration.ic_css_index_area
Parameters Description Default or Example Values Required
object_store_name Name of the associate object store OS01 No
index_area_name Provide a name for the index area. os1_index_area No
affinity_group_name Provide the value that you specified for the associated server affinity group name. aff_group No
root_dir The root directory for the index area. /opt/ibm/indexareas No
max_indexes Specify the maximum number of indexes 20 No
max_objects_per_index Specify the maximum number of objects per index. 10000 No
ic_enable_cbr.object_store_name Name of the object store for CBR. OS01 No
ic_enable_cbr.class_name Class name. Document No
ic_enable_cbr.indexing_languages Language for indexing en No
Table 9. Initialization configuration parameters: spec.initialize_configuration.ic_enable_cbr
Parameters Description Default or Example Values Required
object_store_name Name of the object store for CBR. OS01 No
class_name Class name. Document No
indexing_languages Language for indexing en No
Table 10. Initialization configuration parameters: spec.initialize_configuration.ic_icn_init_info
Parameters Description Default or Example Values Required
icn_repos.add_repo_id For IBM Business Automation Navigator, specify the repository. demo_repo1 No
icn_repos.add_repo_ce_wsi_url For IBM Business Automation Navigator, specify the URL for the repository. https://<hostname>:9443/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM/ No
icn_repos.add_repo_os_sym_name For IBM Business Automation Navigator, specify the symbolic name for the repository OS01 No
icn_repos.add_repo_os_dis_name For IBM Business Automation Navigator,specify the display name for the repository OS01 No
icn_repos.add_repo_workflow_enable Enable workflow for the repository false No
icn_repos.add_repo_work_conn_pnt Add the name of the pe connection point that you created and the region that you specified (default is 1) pe_conn_os1:1 No
icn_repos.add_repo_protocol Specify the repository protocol. FileNetP8WSI No
icn_repos.add_repo_id Specify the repository ID. test_repo2 No
icn_repos.add_repo_ce_wsi_url Specify the URL. https://<hostname>:9443/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM No
icn_repos.add_repo_os_sym_name Specify the symbolic name of the repository. OS3 No
icn_repos.add_repo_os_dis_name Specify the display name of the repository. SOS3 No
icn_repos.add_repo_workflow_enable Specify whether to enable workflow. true No
icn_repos.add_repo_work_conn_pnt Add the name of the pe connection point that you created and the region that you specified (default is 1). pe_conn_os3:1 No
icn_repos.add_repo_protocol Specify the protocol for the repository FileNetP8WSI No
icn_desktop.add_desktop_id Add the ID of the IBM Business Automation Navigator desktop
Note: If you are deploying Application Engine or Business Automation Studio, the initialization process does not create a content desktop even if you provide values for it. If you need a content desktop, create it in Navigator after deployment.
demo No
icn_desktop.add_desktop_name Add the name of the desktop. icn_desktop No
icn_desktop.add_desktop_description Provide a description of the desktop. This is ICN desktop No
icn_desktop.add_desktop_is_default Is this the default desktop? false No
icn_desktop.add_desktop_repo_id Add the repository ID for the desktop. demo_repo1 No
icn_desktop.add_desktop_repo_workflow_enable Enable workflow for the desktop. false No