IBM Enterprise Records parameters
Update the custom YAML file to provide the details that are relevant to your IBM® Enterprise Records and your decisions for the deployment of the container.
Parameters | Description | Default Values | Required |
ier_secret_name | Contains the information about the LDAP user and password for components. | “ibm-ier-secret” | Yes |
ier_ext_tls_secret_name | If you create a tls secret, use this parameter to specify it for IBM Enterprise Records. Otherwise the operator creates one for you. | "{{ }}-ier-ext-tls-secret" | No |
ier_auth_ca_secret_name | If you create a ca secret, use this parameter to specify it for IBM Content Navigator. Otherwise the operator creates one for you. | "{{ }}-ier-auth-ca-secret" | No |
arch.amd64 | The architecture for your environment. | 3 - Most preferred | Yes, leave default |
replica_count | Contains information about how many CPE replicas to deploy. | 2 | No |
image.repository | The repository to use. | | No |
image.tag | The specific tag for your release. | 24.0.0 | No |
image.pull_policy | The pull policy for the image. | IfNotPresent | No |
log.format | The format for workload logging. | json | No |
resources.requests.cpu | Specifies a CPU request for the container. | 1 | No |
resource.requests.memory | Specify a memory request for the container. | 1024Mi | No |
resources.requests.ephemeral_storage | Specifies an ephemeral storage request for the container. | 1Gi | No |
resource.limits.cpu | Specify a CPU limit for the container. | 1 | No |
resource.limits.memory | Specify a memory limit for the container. | 1024Mi | No |
resources.limits.ephemeral_storage | Specifies an ephemeral storage limit for the container. | 1Gi | No |
auto_scaling.enabled | Specify whether to enable auto scaling. | false | No |
auto_scaling.max_replicas | The upper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. Required. | 3 | No |
auto_scaling.min_replicas | The lower limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. If it is not specified or negative, the server will apply a default value. | 2 | No |
auto_scaling.target_cpu_utilization_percentage | The target average CPU utilization (represented as a percent of requested CPU) over all the pods. If it is not specified or negative, a default autoscaling policy is used. | 80 | No |
node_affinity.custom_node_selector_match_expression | Added in node selector match expressions. It accepts array list inputs. You can assign
multiple selector match expressions except ( . |
No |
custom_annotations | Values in this field are used as annotations in all generated pods. They must be valid annotation key-value pairs. | customAnnotationKey: customAnnotationValue |
No |
custom_labels | Values in this field are used as labels in all generated pods. They must be valid label key-value pairs. | customLabelKey: customLabelValue |
No | | The name of the custom configmap. Note that, a configmap can hold files or environment data but it cannot a mix of both. The volume_path is optional for a configmap that holds files as its data. If a volume_path is not specified, the files is mounted to the Liberty configuration (cfgstore) mapped location. If the configmap data holds environment variables then must set is_env to true. |
Yes | |
ier_production_setting.custom_configmap.volume_path | The location you want to hold files in. | No | |
ier_production_setting.custom_configmap.is_env | Specify whether the config map holds environment variables. | false | No |
ier_production_setting.timezone | The time zone for the container deployment. | Etc/UTC | No |
ier_production_setting.jvm_initial_heap_percentage | The initial use of available memory. | 40 | No |
ier_production_setting.jvm_max_heap_percentage | The maximum percentage of available memory to use. | 66 | No |
monitor_enabled | Specify whether to use the built-in monitoring capability. | false | No |
logging_enabled | Specify whether to use the built-in logging capability. | false | No |
datavolume.existing _pvc_for_ier_logstore
The persistent volume claim for IBM Enterprise Records logs. |
The behavior of startup probes to know when the container is started. |
No |
The behavior of readiness probes to know when the containers are ready to start accepting traffic. |
No |
The behavior of liveness probes to know when the containers are ready to start accepting traffic. |
No | | The secrets to be able to pull images. | ibm-entitlement-key | Yes, only if you want to override the comparable setting in the shared configuration section. |