Datasource parameters

Update the custom YAML file to provide the details that are relevant for your Content Manager and Content Navigator datasource environment. The default parameter list assumes one Content Platform Engine Global Configuration database, two object store databases, and one Content Navigator database. Some parameters are specific to database vendors.

For information about data source parameters, see Configuring relational database connectivity in Liberty.

Table 1. General datasource configuration parameters: spec.datasource_configuration
Parameters Description Default/Example Values Required
database_precheck Some databases, like Oracle OID, have a default format for the connection URL that can interfere with deployment by the operator. Setting database_precheck to false can prevent these deployment errors. true No
dc_ssl_enabled Used to support database connection over SSL for Db2 or Oracle. true No
Table 2. Global Configuration Database (GCD) configuration parameters: spec.datasource_configuration.dc_gcd_datasource
Parameters Description Default/Example Values Required
dc_database_type Provide the database type from your infrastructure. The possible values are "db2" or "db2HADR" or "oracle" or "sqlserver" or "postgresql". db2 Yes
dc_common_gcd_datasource_name The JNDI name of the non-XA JDBC data source associated with the global configuration table space or database. The name must be unique. FNGCDDS Yes
dc_common_gcd_xa_datasource_name The JNDI name of the XA JDBC data source associated with the global configuration table space or database. The name must be unique. FNGCDDSXA Yes
database_servername The host name where the database software is installed. It must be an accessible address, such as an IP, hostname, or Kubernetes service name. <hostname> Yes, but not applicable to database type of Oracle which requires a JDBC URL
database_name Provide the database name for the GCD. GCDDB Yes, but not applicable to database type of Oracle which requires a JDBC URL
database_port Provide the database port. For Db2, the default is "50000". "50000" Yes, but not applicable to database type of Oracle which requires a JDBC URL
database_ssl_secret_name The name of the secret that contains the DB2/Oracle/PostgreSQL SSL certificate. The secret can contain multiple certificates in a single tls.crt field. <secret_name> Yes
dc_oracle_gcd_jdbc_url For Oracle, provide the Oracle DB connection string.
Yes, if the database type is Oracle
dc_hadr_standby_servername For Db2 HADR: Enter the standby server name. <hostname> Yes
dc_hadr_standby_port For Db2 HADR: Enter the standby server port. "50000" Yes
dc_hadr_validation_timeout For Db2 HADR: Specify the validation timeout entry. 15 No
dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute For Db2 HADR: Specify the time in seconds between connection attempts made by the automatic client reroute if the primary connection to the server fails. 15 No
dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute For Db2 HADR: The maximum number of connection retries attempted by automatic client reroute if the primary connection to the server fails. This property is used only if the Retry interval for client reroute property is set. 3 No
connection_manager.min_pool_size Specifies the minimum number of physical connections to maintain. With the default setting of 0, no connections are created with the database starts. 0 No
connection_manager.max_pool_size Specifies the maximum number of physical connections that you can create in this pool. The maximum pool size for connections depends on the number of connections that are supported by your database driver. 50 No
connection_manager.max_idle_time Use this setting to specify how long to wait to clean up idle connections. 1m No
connection_manager.reap_time Specifies the interval, in seconds, between runs of the pool maintenance thread. 2m No
connection_manager.purge_policy Specifies how to purge connections when a stale connection or fatal connection error is detected. EntirePool No
Table 3. Data sources for Object stores configuration parameters: spec.datasource_configuration.dc_os_datasources
Parameters Description Default/Example Values Required
dc_database_type Specify the type for your Object Store database. The possible values are "db2" or "db2HADR" or "oracle" or "sqlserver" or "postgresql". This setting must be the same as the type for the Global Configuration Database. db2 Yes
dc_os_label Provides a way to name your object store data sources. You then use the label value to include different database user names and passwords for the data sources in your ibm-fncm-secret. For more information, see Creating a secret to protect sensitive information. os No
dc_common_os_datasource_name The JNDI name of the non-XA JDBC data source associated with the object store table space or database. The name must be unique. FNOS1DS Yes
dc_common_os_xa_datasource_name The JNDI name of the XA JDBC data source associated with the object store table space or database. The name must be unique. FNOS1DSXA Yes
database_servername The host name of the server where the database software is installed. This setting must be the same as the type for the Global Configuration Database. <hostname> Yes, but not applicable to database type of Oracle which requires a JDBC URL
database_name Provide the database name. OS1DB Yes, but not applicable to database type of Oracle which requires a JDBC URL
database_port Provide the database port. For Db2, the default is "50000". "50000" Yes, but not applicable to database type of Oracle which requires a JDBC URL
database_ssl_secret_name The name of the secret that contains the DB2/Oracle/PostgreSQL SSL certificate. The secret can contain multiple certificates in a single tls.crt field. <secret_name> Yes
dc_oracle_os_jdbc_url Oracle: Provide the URL for the database.
Yes, if the database type is Oracle
dc_hadr_standby_servername Db2 HADR: Enter the standby server name. <hostname> Yes, if using HADR
dc_hadr_standby_port Db2 HADR: The standby database server port. "50000" Yes, if using HADR
dc_hadr_validation_timeout Db2 HADR: Specify the validation timeout entry. 15 No
dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute Db2 HADR: Specify the time in seconds between connection attempts made by the automatic client reroute if the primary connection to the server fails. 15 No
dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute Db2 HADR: The maximum number of connection retries attempted by automatic client reroute if the primary connection to the server fails. This property is used only if the Retry interval for client reroute property is set. 3 No
connection_manager.min_pool_size Specifies the minimum number of physical connections to maintain. With the default setting of 0, no connections are created with the database starts. 0 No
connection_manager.max_pool_size Specifies the maximum number of physical connections that you can create in this pool. The maximum pool size for connections depends on the number of connections that are supported by your database driver. 50 No
connection_manager.max_idle_time Use this setting to specify how long to wait to clean up idle connections. 1m No
connection_manager.reap_time Specifies the interval, in seconds, between runs of the pool maintenance thread. 2m No
connection_manager.purge_policy Specifies how to purge connections when a stale connection or fatal connection error is detected. EntirePool No
Table 4. Navigator datasource configuration parameters: spec.datasource_configuration.dc_icn_datasource
Parameters Description Default/Example Values Required
dc_database_type Specify the type for your Business Automation Navigator database. The possible values are "db2" or "db2HADR" or "oracle" or "sqlserver" or "postgresql". This setting must be the same as for the Global Configuration Database and the object store database types. "db2" Yes
dc_common_icn_datasource_name The JNDI name of the non-XA JDBC data source associated with the IBM Content Navigator table space or database. The name must be unique. "ECMClientDS" Yes
database_servername The host name of the server where the database software is installed. "<hostname>" Yes, but not applicable to database type of Oracle which requires a JDBC URL
database_port Provide the database port. For Db2, the default is "50000". "50000" Yes, but not applicable to database type of Oracle which requires a JDBC URL
database_name Provide the database name. "ICNDB" Yes, but not applicable to database type of Oracle which requires a JDBC URL
database_ssl_secret_name The name of the secret that contains the DB2/Oracle/PostgreSQL SSL certificate. The secret can contain multiple certificates in a single tls.crt field. "<secret_name>" Yes, if using SSL with Db2
dc_oracle_icn_jdbc_url Oracle: Provide the URL for the IBM Content Navigator database.
Yes, if the database type is Oracle
dc_hadr_standby_servername Db2 HADR: Enter the standby server name. "<hostname>" Yes
dc_hadr_standby_port Db2 HADR: Enter the standby database server port. "50000" Yes
dc_hadr_validation_timeout Db2 HADR: Specify the validation timeout entry. 15 No
dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute Db2 HADR: Specify the time in seconds between connection attempts made by the automatic client reroute if the primary connection to the server fails. 15 No
dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute Db2 HADR: The maximum number of connection retries attempted by automatic client reroute if the primary connection to the server fails. This property is used only if the Retry interval for client reroute property is set. 3 No
connection_manager.min_pool_size Specifies the minimum number of physical connections to maintain. With the default setting of 0, no connections are created with the database starts. 0 No
connection_manager.max_pool_size Specifies the maximum number of physical connections that you can create in this pool. The maximum pool size for connections depends on the number of connections that are supported by your database driver. 50 No
connection_manager.max_idle_time Use this setting to specify how long to wait to clean up idle connections. 1m No
connection_manager.reap_time Specifies the interval, in seconds, between runs of the pool maintenance thread. 2m No
connection_manager.purge_policy Specifies how to purge connections when a stale connection or fatal connection error is detected. EntirePool No