Content Search Services parameters
Update the custom YAML file to provide the details that are relevant to your Content Search
Services and your decisions for the deployment of the container.
Parameters | Description | Default Values | Required |
arch.amd64 | The architecture for your environment. This is the default for Linux on x86 and should not be changed. | 3 - Most preferred | Yes |
replica_count | How many replicas to deploy. | 2 | No |
image.repository | Specifies the images to use. | | No |
image.tag | Specifies the tag of the version to use. | ga-560-p8css | No |
image.pull_policy | Specify your pull policy. If specified, this value overrides the image pull policy in the shared_configuration. | IfNotPresent | No |
log.format | The format for workload logging. | json | No |
resources.requests.cpu | Specify a CPU request for the container. | 500m | No |
resources.requests.memory | Specify a memory request for the container. | 512Mi | No |
resources.limits.cpu | Specify a CPU limit for the container. | 1 | No |
resources.limits.memory | Specify a memory limit for the container. | 4096Mi | No |
resources.requests.ephemeral_storage | Specifies an ephemeral storage request for the container. | 500Mi | No |
resources.limits.ephemeral_storage | Specifies an ephemeral storage limit for the container. | 1.5Gi | No |
css_production_setting.jvm_max_heap_percentage | The maximum percentage of available memory to use. | 50 | No |
css_production_setting.license | The value must be set to accept to deploy. | accept | Yes |
monitor_enabled | Specify whether to use the built-in monitoring capability. | false | No |
logging_enabled | Specify whether to use the built-in logging capability. | false | No |
collectd_enable_plugin_write_graphite | If you have a Graphite database for metrics, or if you use IBM Cloud® monitoring, set to true. | false | No |
size |
The name and size of persistent volume claim for Content Search Services configuration. |
The name and size of persistent volume claim for Content Search Services logs. |
The name and size of the persistent volume claim for the Content Search Services temp store. |
The name and size of persistent volume claim for the Search index. |
datavolume.existing_pvc_for_css_customstore name size |
The persistent volume claim name and size for the Content Search Services custom store. |
The behavior of readiness probes to know when the containers are ready to start accepting traffic. |
No |
The behavior of liveness probes to know when to restart a container. |
No |
The behavior of startup probes to know when the container is started. |
No | | The secrets to be able to pull images. Only use this parameter if you want to override the image_pull_secrets setting in the shared_configuration. | ibm-entitlement-key | No |
css_production_setting.icc.icc_enabled | Set to true to enable IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Supportby including the icc secret and configmap in the CSS deployment | false | No |
css_production_setting.icc.icc_secret_name | Name of secret created holding the FileNet P8 login credentials. For details see Creating a secret to hold IBM FileNet Content Manager credentials. | ibm-icc-secret | No |
css_production_setting.icc.p8domain_name | Symbolic name of the FileNet P8 domain with the object stores where email is archived. For details see Providing information for the creation of a configmap to hold IBM Content Collector P8 Content Search Services Support configuration | No | |
css_production_setting.icc.secret_masterkey_name | Contains the master key name of the ICC secret. | icc-masterkey-txt | No |