Content Platform Engine properties

Content Platform Engine properties have a type, which can be binary, Boolean, string, DateTime, integer, float, ID, and object.

Object-valued properties are useful for defining relationships between objects. The Customer property that is shown in the loan example in the previous section illustrates how both the Loan and the Loan Application can point to the same Customer object. The properties that are associated with objects can have a single value or multiple values. As an example, you can define a multi-valued property named Phone Numbers in which multiple phone numbers, such as home and cell phone numbers, are stored. You can then search for objects by creating a search expression that searches for more than one value for the same property.

Properties can also be configured to have default values that are set when a new object is created. In addition, the system can be configured to restrict the values for the property to a choice list. A choice list is a list of possible values that the user can select from when assigning a value to the property.