Editing the custom resource for upgrade

For all of the components that you deployed previously, you update the settings in the appropriate sections in the custom resource YAML file that is used in the previous version.

Before you begin

The deployment and upgrade of the Content Platform Engine and P8 domain must be complete before the upgrade Navigator services are accessed.

The custom resource file includes several mandatory configuration parameters. Depending on the version of your custom resource YAML file, you must add these mandatory parameters to the file, or provide specific values for parameters that previously used the default value. Download the custom resource YAML file that you deployed in a previous version, and edit it by following the instructions for each capability that you deployed. Do not apply the updated custom resource file before you make the necessary changes for all the capabilities in your deployment. The following table shows the configuration parameters that changed from the previous release.
Table 1. Changed shared configuration parameters
Configuration parameter Comment
spec.appVersion Change to 24.0.0.
meta.labels.release Change to 5.6.0.
Important: Creating a full backup of databases, volumes, and configuration files can help you roll back your upgrade if needed.

About this task

Remember: Be sure to plan the timing of the upgrade to ensure minimal disruption to your users.

The following steps assume that you have all content services containers in your environment. If you do not use all of the containers, skip over the steps for the containers that do not apply.


  1. Confirm that you have a backup of the custom resource YAML file that you used to deploy FileNet Content Manager.
  2. Under shared_configuration, add the following parameters and set them to false:
    sc_content_initialization: false
    sc_content_verification: false
  3. Comment out all lines, including the header, in the initialize_configuration and verify_configuration sections.
  4. Remove all image tags from the custom resource YAML, so that the operator deployment can load the default image for that version.
  5. Use the information in Table 1 to help you replace the values in the custom resource (CR) file of your existing deployment with new values all releases between the upgrade source version and target version.

What to do next

To apply the upgraded custom resource, see topic Applying the custom resource for upgrade.