Workflow management
lets you
create, modify, manage, analyze, and simulate business processes,
or workflows, that are performed by applications, enterprise users,
and external users such as partners and customers.
Defining business workflows
By using FileNet P8 Process Designer, you can associate complex business rules with various routes between workflow steps.
Work management
Work management provides users with a set of tasks that they need to perform. Work is managed in several types of queues, which are database structures that hold work items.
Monitor work in progress
Graphical tools are provided to monitor and manage workflows in progress.
Online workflow configuration changes
You might want to reconfigure the workflow system to reflect changes to your business processes. For example, you might want to create new work queues or add new queue fields. You can modify the system while work is being processed without requiring users to log off the system or restarting the server software. To modify the system, use the administration console or APIs.
Import and export workflow configurations
You can easily transfer copy configuration settings from, for example, a development system to a production system by exporting the settings to an XML file and importing them in the new system. The exported file contains system-wide properties, such as specified web applications, step processor settings, and event logging options, as well as all queue, roster, and log definitions including exposed fields and index settings.
Workflow analysis and reporting
FileNet P8 with Case Analyzer provides the capability to monitor and analyze your business processes in two ways, with historical and real-time reporting.