Preparing the target environment for FileNet Content Manager

As with a new installation, you must prepare your cluster and prepare the new environment for the components that you want to deploy.

About this task

If this move operation is part of a larger process of deploying the containers, it's possible that your cluster is already prepared. Check with your Cloud or cluster administrator to determine the details of your deployment. You might be able to skip some steps in preparing the cluster and the operator if those components have already been prepared.


To prepare the target environment:

  1. Prepare the cluster.
    Follow the instructions in Preparing the cluster, including preparing storage for the operator, getting access to your container images, and setting up the cluster, and installing the operator.
  2. Prepare for the components that you plan to include in your installation by using the install preparation topics.
    Some of the steps in the Installing topics might not apply to your situation. For example, tasks for creating a database assume that you are installing for the first time and must create a new database. In an upgrade or move to containers, you use the existing databases that were used by your traditional WebSphere Application Server version.

    In other cases, you must perform the tasks for both new and upgrade or move deployments. For example, you must create the required PV and PVCs for each component if you plan to use manually created storage volumes.

    Read each task carefully to determine whether you must complete it before you deploy your containers. If your source environment doesn’t include a component, you do not need to perform the preparation steps or include the container for that deployment in your environment.

    FileNet Content Manager

    Preparation Task When To Do This Task
    Preparing the P8 Platform directory server This task doesn't apply because your users and groups already exist in your source environment. Record the information from your existing LDAP configuration. For managing your LDAP secrets, see topic Creating secrets for directory service providers
    Configuring an identity provider connection This task applies in a move scenario only if you are using an identity provider for external share users. After your new deployment is set up, you can decide whether to add this capability to manage internal users.
    Preparing the databases This task doesn't apply in a move scenario because your databases are already configured to support your source environment. However, the additional tasks for creating secrets for SSL configuration data are required:
    Creating secrets to protect sensitive IBM FileNet Content Manager configuration data This task is required.
    Storage considerations Although your storage is already configured for the existing FileNet Content Manager source environment, read this topic to understand how storage works in the container environment. You already prepared and arranged your content storage for the move. However, you do need to create the PVs and PVCs for container deployment. Follow the instructions in Creating volumes and folders for deployment. For upgrades from 5.5.0 and earlier, the bootstrap persistent volume claim must be statically provisioned
    Optional: Configuring external share for containers If you configured external share in your source environment, you must prepare the target environment for the container-based configuration of this feature.
    Creating volumes and folders for deployment GraphQL is available for use in a container environment. If you want to add GraphQL to your environment, prepare the volumes and folders before you run the deployment, and be sure to include the GraphQL section in your deployment configuration.
    Preparing for external key management If you manage encryption with external keys, or you want to add this approach, use these instructions to prepare.

    IBM Content Navigator

    Navigator Preparation Task When To Do This Task
    Preparing users and groups This task doesn't apply because your users and groups already exist in your source environment. Record the information from your existing LDAP configuration.
    Preparing the databases This task doesn't apply in a move scenario because your databases are already configured to support your source environment. If your scenario includes maintaining a traditional WebSphere Application Server deployment alongside the container deployment, you need an additional configuration database for Navigator in the container environment. In addition, these tasks for creating secrets for SSL configuration data are required:

What to do next

To install the operator, see topic Installing the operator.