Completing post deployment tasks
After you run the container deployment, you perform additional tasks to update and start
your P8 domain. Verify that your deployment is complete and that your containers are up and running
before you do these steps.
Enabling SSL between components
If SSL is enabled in the existing system for the Content Platform Engine to Content Search Services communications, use your own SSL keystore and certificate files in place of the default files that are provided with the Content Platform Engine container deployment.
Configuring Content Platform Engine
After a move to a container environment, you update your administrative settings to account for the environment changes.
Configuring Content Search Services
After a move to the a container environment, you update your index areas to account for the environment changes.
Configuring IBM Content Navigator
After you update your Navigator to a container deployment, use the Navigator administration desktop to update settings for the container environment.
Configuring other components
You perform additional post-deployment tasks depending on what other features you want to enable in your container environment.