Preparing to use IBM Spectrum Protect

You can use IBM Spectrum Protect for your content storage. To prepare for this configuration, you configure security for the server connections and create a file share folder.


To prepare for using IBM Spectrum Protect:

  1. Download the certificates for your IBM Spectrum Protect servers.
  2. For each server, create a secret that includes the certificate for the server.
    Use a command like the following to create the secret:
    kubectl create secret generic my-spectrum-server1-secret --from-file=certFile=./cert256.arm

    Where cert256.arm is the certificate that you downloaded for the IBM Spectrum Protect server.

    Remember: If you have more than one IBM Spectrum Protect server, create a secret for each one.
  3. When you configure the custom resource definition file, add the IBM Spectrum Protect secrets that you created to the cpe section:
       spectrum_certificate_list: [my-spectrum-server1-secret, my-spectrum-server2-secret,...]
  4. Create a configuration files share folder.
    You can create this folder on any of your PVCs. This example uses the filestore PVC, cpe-filestore-pvc.

    If you have a PVC /home/cfgstore/cpe/FileNet that is mapped to /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/FileNet/, you can create a subfolder called tsmconf under /home/cfgstore/cpe/FileNet.

    Then, when you configure the Spectrum Protect fixed content device in the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine, you use /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/FileNet/tsmconf as the property value for the Configuration files share parameter.

    Note: All the Spectrum Protect Fixed Content Devices in the same Content Platform Engine domain need to use the same configuration files share folder.
  5. If you want to use a Spectrum Protector Fixed Content Storage Area, you must also create a staging area folder.
    You can create this folder on any of your PVCs. This example uses the filestore PVC, cpe-filestore-pvc.

    If you have a PVC /home/cfgstore/cpe/asa that is mapped to /opt/ibm/asa, you can create a subfolder called tsmfxsa under /home/cfgstore/cpe/asa.

    Then, when you configure the Spectrum Protect Fixed Content Storage Area in the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine, you use /opt/ibm/asa/tsmfxsa as the property value for the Staging area root directory parameter.

What to do next

Remember to add the secret names to the spectrum_certificate_list parameter before you apply the custom resource file during deployment.

After deployment, see Fixed storage areas to set up the Fixed Content Device and Storage Area in the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.