Installing the operator using the OpenShift console

You can install the IBM FileNet Content Manager operator with the IBM FNCM catalog in the OpenShift console.

About this task

IBM provides operators to OpenShift in the form of a catalog. The catalog is added to an OpenShift cluster by using a CatalogSource resource. After you apply a CatalogSource resource, the IBM FNCM catalog appears in the OperatorHub of the OCP console under the IBM Operator Catalog provider type.


  1. Log in to your cluster with an ID that has at least Operator permissions for the cluster.
  2. Add the CatalogSource resources to Operator Hub.
    To import the YAML into your cluster in the OCP Admin console:
    1. Click the plus icon at the top of the console. The Import YAML editor opens.

      Icon for importing YAML

    2. Paste the CatalogSource resource definition into the editor, and click Create.
      Note: You can find the CatalogSource YAML in the catalog_source.yaml file, which is located in the Github Repository in the container-samples/descriptors/op-olm directory.

      For more information about downloading container-samples, see Preparing a client to connect to the cluster.

      The following example of the catalog sources does not show the real digests for 5.6.0 and its corresponding dependencies. The example does show the names and the number and version of the catalog sources that you need to create for each new installation that you want to use. Replace XXXXXXXXXXXX with the digest for each catalog source and replace the <namespace> placeholder with openshift-marketplace for the global catalog namespace (GCN) or your target FNCM namespace (fncm-project) for a private catalog.

      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-fncm-operator-catalog
        namespace: <namespace>
        displayName: ibm-fncm-operator
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 45m
      Where, <digest-xxxx> is obtained from catalogsource.yaml from the case package.

    The CatalogSource resource adds the IBM FNCM Catalog to the OperatorHub, which depends on the catalog sources for IBM FileNet Content Manager.

  3. Find the IBM FileNet Content Manager catalog item in the OperatorHub.
    In the OCP console, click Operators to open the OperatorHub, and then enter fncm in the Filter by keyword box under All items. Alternatively, you can find the IBM FileNet Content Manager catalog item under Business Automation.
  4. Click the IBM FileNet Content Manager catalog item, and click Install.
    1. In the Create Operator Subscription wizard, select the channel (v24.0 for 5.6.0) and use the default for the approval strategy (Automatic).
      Note: When you create an operator subscription, by default Update approval (installPlanApproval) is set to "Automatic" to allow the FileNet Content Manager operator to automatically upgrade to newer versions when interim fixes are released.
    2. Select A specific namespace on the cluster under Installation Mode and select a namespace from the Installed Namespace drop-down list to install in a single or the operator's own namespace.

      Select the NAMESPACE that you created and prepared for the operator (fncm-project). The operator can be installed in multiple namespaces, but you must prepare each namespace beforehand. For more information, see Preparing a namespace for the operator.

      Important: The default mode is All namespaces on the cluster.

      Before you use the All namespaces on the cluster option, check the openshift-operators namespace to find installed operators. The openshift-operators namespace is watched by the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

    3. Click Install.
    4. In the Installed Operators view, verify the status of the FileNet Content Manager installation.
  5. Verify whether the operator is running.
    1. On the left panel in the OCP console, click Operators > Installed Operators.
    2. Make sure that the FNCM operator has the status "Succeeded" in your selected NAMESPACE:images/scrn_installed_operators.png

      The OLM is now aware of the operators. A ClusterServiceVersion (CSV) for the operators appear in the target namespace, and APIs provided by the operators are available to use.

    Tip: If the FileNet Content Manager operator is inactive for some time, you can delete the operator pod and let it reconcile.

What to do next

When started, you can monitor the operator logs with the following command.

oc logs -f deployment/ibm-fncm-operator -c operator

When the operator is deployed successfully, get the role of the operator to give access to specified users.

oc get role | grep ibm-fncm-operator | sort -t"t" -k1r | awk 'NR==1{print $1}'

To create a custom resource and run the prerequisite scripts, see topic Generating simple custom resource and deployment files.