An update to the custom resource (CR) overwrites the deployed resources. The operator
applies the changes during the control loop (observe, analyze, act) that occurs as a result of
constantly watching the state of the Kubernetes resources.
Before you begin
If you plan to remove capabilities, make sure that you back up the databases, the files that are
stored on the persistent volumes, and any other data that you want to keep.
About this task
You can reconfigure and update the software that is already installed. You can modify the
installed software, remove it, and add new components. You must use the same CR YAML file that you
deployed with the operator to make the updates. For example,
You can also edit the file manually. The following steps go through the manual procedure.
Review your custom resources YAML file to make sure it contains all of your intended
cat ibm_fncm_cr_production.yaml
Refer to the information in Custom resource
reference to pick and choose the configuration parameters to update.
To remove a capability from the deployment, locate the specific
XXX_configuration section and delete this line along with all of its
Note: Some capabilities have parameters under shared_configuration or
datasource_configuration. If you are sure that no other capability uses them,
you can remove these parameters too.
When you are done with all of the updates you want to make, run the
command to update to the operator.
Using the CLI:
kubectl replace -f <ibm_fncm_my_cr_final.yaml>
The operator reconciliation loop might take several minutes.
Monitor the status of your pods by using the CLI:
kubectl get pods -w
Note: You can also use kubectl edit FNCMCluster <MY-INSTANCE>
to open the
default visual editor (vi).