Process orchestration

Process orchestration lets you integrate and coordinate web service operations across and beyond the enterprise. Orchestration allows you to tie XML web services interfaces into end-to-end processes, which can include and combine internal (front and back office) and external (partner or customer) processes. Parts of each single orchestrated process can be executed in separate business process management or workflow engines, each under the control of different areas of an organization, and each with different sets of users and domains of trust.

Orchestration setup and management are performed through the Web Services panels in Process Configuration Console, Process Designer, and the Web Services Palette. Orchestrated processes can be called from the Process Designer user interface or from an external client (such as a Microsoft .NET or Java™ Web Services framework) using the standard request-response web services, and can be secured with an authentication flag.

The FileNet P8 orchestration implementation supports the browsing of local drives to select XML web services. It also supports the use of XPath for extracting information from the responses and for string replacement functions.