Upgrading the operator using the OpenShift console

You can upgrade your existing FileNet Content Manager deployment using a new or upgraded version of the operator.

About this task

IBM provides operators to OpenShift in the form of a catalog. The catalog can be created or replaced directly using the OpenShift console.
  • If you are upgrading from a release before V5.5.9, you can install the IBM FileNet Content Manager operator with the IBM FNCM catalog in the OpenShift console to upgrade and manage a FileNet Content Manager deployment previously managed with an operator not deployed from a catalog.

    For instructions on how to install a new catalog and operator, see Upgrading with a new operator in the OpenShift console.

  • If you are upgrading from V5.5.9 or higher, you can upgrade an operator previously installed from the OperatorHub to upgrade and manage a FileNet Content Manager deployment.

    For instructions on how to upgrade to a new version of the catalog and operator, see Upgrading with an existing operator in the OpenShift console.