Removing the deployment resources

If you want to remove the resources used by the FileNet Content Manager deployment, you can also delete the PVs, secrets, and the other artifacts used by the project.

Before you begin

Before you remove the deployment resources, make sure that you clean up the FileNet Content Manager data. For more information, see the topic Cleaning up FileNet Content Manager.

About this task

You can clean up the deployment depending on the platform in one of the following ways:

Cleaning up deployment resources for OCP deployments

You can choose the deployment resources that you want to remove from your OCP deployment.

About this task

You can remove the following resources from your OCP deployment:
  • Delete the persistent volume claims - The operation removes the persistent volume claims from your deployment. To delete the persistent volume claims, refer to Step 1 in the procedure.

  • Delete the persistent volumes - The operation removes the persistent volumes from your deployment. To delete the persistent volumes, refer to Step 2 in the procedure.
  • Delete the secrets - The operation removes the secrets from your deployment. To delete the secrets, refer to Step 3 in the procedure.
  • Delete the project - The operation removes the entire project along with the PVCs and secrets from your deployment. If you ran the script and chose to delete your namespace, you need not manually delete the project. To delete the project, refer to Step 4 in the procedure.


  1. Delete the persistent volume claims.

    If you uninstalled all the operators, then you can delete the PVCs from the project. Within the OCP console, click Storage > PersistentVolumeClaims for each PVC, and then click Delete PersistentVolumeClaim. If you deleted only FileNet and its related operators, then you can click Storage > PersistentVolumeClaims, change the "Filter" to Label and enter "" in the Search by label field, where fncm_deploy is the default metadata name. You can then delete the listed PVCs by clicking Actions > Delete PersistentVolumeClaim.

  2. Optional: Delete the persistent volumes.
    To identify which PV can be removed, check the status of the PV. If the status is “Available”, then the PVs can be deleted.
    1. Get a list of all the PVs.
      oc get pv
    2. Delete a PV.
      oc delete pv <PV name>
  3. Delete the secrets.
    To delete the secrets from the project from the OCP console, click Workloads > Secrets, and then click Delete Secret.
  4. Delete the FileNet project.
    Within the OCP console, click Home > Projects, identify the project, and then click Delete Project.

Cleaning up deployment resources for Kubernetes deployments

You can choose the deployment resources that you want to remove from your Kubernetes deployment.

About this task

You can remove the following resources from your Kubernetes deployment:
  • Delete the persistent volume claims - The operation removes the persistent volume claims from your deployment. To delete the persistent volume claims, refer to Step 1 in the procedure.

  • Delete the persistent volumes - The operation removes the persistent volumes from your deployment. To delete the persistent volumes, refer to Step 2 in the procedure.
  • Delete the secrets - The operation removes the secrets from your deployment. To delete the secrets, refer to Step 3 in the procedure.
  • Delete the namespace - The operation removes the entire namespace along with the PVCs and secrets from your deployment. If you ran the script and chose to delete your namespace, you need not manually delete the namespace. To delete the namespace, refer to Step 4 in the procedure.


  1. Delete the persistent volume claims.
    If you uninstalled all the operators, then you can delete the PVCs from the project.
    1. Get a list of all the PVCs.
      kubectl get pvc
    2. Delete a PVC.
      kubectl delete pvc <PVC name>
    3. Verify the status of the PVCs.
      kubectl get pvc
    4. Verify the status of the PVs.
      kubectl get pv

      The status of the PV to which the deleted PVC was bound to might show as "Failed".

  2. Optional: Delete the persistent volumes.
    To identify which PV can be removed, check the status of the PV. If the status is “Released”, then the PVs can be deleted.
    1. Get a list of all the PVs.
      kubectl get pv
    2. Delete a PV.
      kubectl delete pv <PV name>
  3. Delete the secrets.
    1. Get a list of all the secrets.
      kubectl get secret
    2. Delete a secret.
      kubectl delete secret <secretname>
  4. Delete the FileNet namespace.
    Use the kubectl get namespace command to list the available and currently selected project. The kubectl delete namespace command can be used to delete a project. In the following example, fncm-namespace is deleted.
    kubectl delete namespace fncm-namespace