Creating Content Platform Engine operating system user account

The account you use to create and configure the shared root directory of a file storage area or content cache area.


  1. Create the following operating system account:
    Content Platform Engine operating system user
    Unique identifier
    An operating system account you must log on as to create and configure the shared root directory of a file storage area or content cache area.

    The operating system user who logs on to the Content Platform Engine server and starts the local application server process is the account that must be used to secure the folders and files in a file storage area. From a practical standpoint, the account that is used to install the application server should be the same account that is used to start the application server process. As an administrator, you will always log in using the same cpe_os_user account to secure the folders and files in the file system that Content Platform Engine will use for a file storage area.

    Minimum required permissions
    For Windows-based Content Platform Engine and file storage areas, cpe_os_user must reside in the same Windows domain or in trusted Windows domains as the servers that host Content Platform Engine and the file storage area.
    For Windows-based file storage areas and using WebSphere®: you must set the WebSphere service to logon as the cpe_os_user.
    AIX®, Linux®, Linux for System z®
    For AIX, Linux, or Linux for System z Content Platform Engine and file storage areas, configuring security requires the use of NFS.
  2. Icon representing the worksheet Record this value in your customized Installation and Upgrade Worksheet. To find this property, search the worksheet for instances of cpe_os_user.