Configuring IBM Content Search Services servers (AIX, Linux, Linux on System z)

Before you start the IBM Content Search Services installation on AIX®, Linux®, or Linux on System z®, you must ensure that certain ulimit settings are set to their unlimited value.

About this task

The IBM Content Search Services installation startup script checks the ulimit value of the fsize and nofile parameters. The fsize parameter controls the maximum file size; the nofile parameter controls the maximum number of open files per process. If the values are not set to unlimited, the startup script attempts to change them to unlimited. If the startup script cannot change the value to unlimited, a warning is generated.

The ulimit value for the rss parameter (which controls the maximum resident set size) and for the maximum size of virtual memory must also be set to unlimited. (The installation startup script does not check these values.)


To ensure that the values of fsize, nofile, rss, and virtual memory are set to their unlimited value:

  1. Run the following command to check the value of the fsize parameter:
    ulimit -f
    If the parameter value is already unlimited (-1), continue at step 3.
  2. Open for editing one of the following files, which contains the fsize parameter.
    Set the parameter value to -1, and save your edit.
    Table 1. Name of the file to be edited
    Operating System File name
    AIX /etc/security/limits
    Linux or Linux on System z /etc/security/limits.conf
  3. Run the following command to check the value of the nofile parameter:
    ulimit -n
    The value of nofile is unlimited if it is one of the following values, depending on your operating system:
    Table 2. Unlimited value
    Operating system Unlimited value
    AIX -1
    Linux or Linux on System z 65536
    If the value is already unlimited, continue at step 9.
  4. Open for editing (if it is not already open) one of the following files, which contains the nofile parameter. Set the parameter to its unlimited value, and save your edit.
    Table 3. Name of the file to be edited
    Operating system File name
    AIX /etc/security/limits
    Linux or Linux on System z /etc/security/limits.conf
  5. Run the following command to check the value of the rss parameter:
    ulimit -m
    The value of rss is unlimited if it is one of the following values, depending on your operating system:
    Table 4. Unlimited value
    Operating system Unlimited value
    AIX -1
    Linux or Linux on System z 65536
    If the value is already unlimited, continue at step 9.
  6. Open for editing (if it is not already open) one of the following files, which contains the rss parameter. Set the parameter to its unlimited value, and save your edit.
    Table 5. Name of the file to be edited
    Operating system File name
    AIX /etc/security/limits
    Linux or Linux on System z /etc/security/limits.conf
  7. Run the following command to check the value for the maximum size of virtual memory:
    ulimit -v
    The value for the maximum size of virtual memory is unlimited if it is one of the following values, depending on your operating system:
    Table 6. Unlimited value
    Operating system Unlimited value
    AIX -1
    Linux or Linux on System z 65536
    If the value is already unlimited, continue at step 9.
  8. Run the following command to set the value for the maximum size of virtual memory to unlimited:
    Table 7. Command to set unlimited value
    Operating system Command
    AIX ulimit –v -1
    Linux or Linux on System z ulimit –v 65536
  9. Log out of the current session. If you changed any of the ulimit values, log back in for the changes to take effect.