Configuring the remote access protocol on the client machine

When configuring the remote file access protocol (NFS or CIFS), the client machine is the one where Content Platform Engine Server or IBM® Content Search Services are running. Configuring the remote access protocol (NFS or CIFS) means designating a directory (where content is be stored) so that it appears to be on the local file system of the client machine.


To configure remote access protocol:

  • To configure AIX® or Linux® Content Platform Engine Server to communicate with an AIX, Linux, or Windows file server via NFS:
    1. On the application server where you are going to deploy Content Platform Engine Server, log on as the user who launched the application server.
    2. Mount the exported NFS file system (from step 5 of Configuring a file server based on AIX, Linux, or Linux on System z) onto a local directory on the Content Platform Engine machine. The mount point must be in the same location in the local file system on all machines where Content Platform Engine Server is going to be installed.
      For example, on Linux or AIX:
      mount filesrv:/opt/filenet/file_stores/home/filenet/file_stores
      where filesrv is the host name of the file server where the exported NFS file system is located.

      In this example, all Content Platform Engine Server machines (including machines that are part of the same server farm or cluster) must mount the remote file system at /home/filenet/file_stores.

      Note: IBM recommends implementing the -noac option when presenting storage to Content Platform Engine servers over an NFS mount. Using the default NFS mount options could result in data loss in certain circumstances. For more details, refer to the technote on FileNet Content Manager potential data loss when documents are written to an NFS-mounted disk volume and the disk volume is full or near full capacity.
  • To configure Windows-based Content Platform Engine Server to communicate with a Windows file server via CIFS:
    1. If both Content Platform Engine Server and the file server are in the same Windows domain, no action is required. If they are in different domains, establish access to the file server machine from the machine where you will install Content Platform Engine Server.