Operating system considerations
In addition to any operating system platforms, the IT administrator must consider the FileNet® P8 components that will be installed in a non-English environment.
Content Platform Engine
Content Platform Engine can be installed:- In any locale on any of the supported AIX®, LLinux®, and Linux on System z® platforms
- On any localized version of Windows or in any region on the English version of Windows
If you intend to install Content Platform Engine in a path that contains non-English characters, you must specify each such character in the path by its escaped Unicode representation (for example, \u4EF6).
IBM Content Search Services
IBM® Content Search Services can be installed:- In any locale on any of the supported AIX, Linux, and Linux on System z, platforms
- On any localized version of Windows or in any region on the English version of Windows
When you run the installation program for IBM Content Search Services, you specify a configuration data directory and an installation directory. If any component of either of these directory names contains non-English characters, the installation program appears to complete normally; but the program creates an installation directory whose name contains random characters instead of the name that you specified.
This installation failure occurs whether you install the first instance or an additional instance of IBM Content Search Services. To prevent the failure, use only English characters in the name of each component of the configuration data directory and the installation directory.