Creating Configuration Manager user

An operating system account you use to run Configuration Manager.


  1. Create the following operating system account:
    Configuration Manager user
    Unique identifier
    An operating system account you will use to run Configuration Manager.
    Minimum required permissions
    config_mgr_user must belong to the cpe_appserver_install_group.
    (Windows only) Using Active Directory tools, add config_mgr_user to either the Power® Users group or the Local Administrators group.
    At several points in the installation process you will be instructed to grant additional permissions to config_mgr_user, including the following permissions:
    • Execute permission to the Configuration Manager executable file, configmgr.exe (Windows) or (AIX®, Linux®, Linux for System z®).
    • Read and write permission to the directory where Configuration Manager will create the configuration XML files. For example:
      • the directory you specify using the optional -path parameter when you run Configuration Manager.
      • the default directory, ce_install_path/tools/configure/profiles, if you do not specify a path parameter.
  2. Icon representing the worksheet Record this value in your customized Installation and Upgrade Worksheet. To find this property, search the worksheet for instances of config_mgr_user.