Custom resource template structure

The custom resource template files are divided into sections, which define the attributes of each component. The custom resource metadata along with the shared, LDAP, and data source configuration sections in the specification (spec) are always present.

Two types of template are provided for enterprise deployment:
Simplified custom resource templates
A streamlined and condensed custom resource YAML file is provided with fewer parameters to specify. When you use the simplified YAML, ibm_fncm_cr_enterprise.yaml, the operator automatically supplies many default values for a deployment:
  • V5.5.4: ibm_fncm_cr_enterprise.yaml
  • For (V5.5.5 and later), the simplified YAML file is located either in the container-samples repository folder or the case package depending on your version. For details, refer table in topic Preparing a client to connect to the cluster. The simplified YAML file names by version are as follows:
    • (V5.5.5 through V5.5.7): ibm_fncm_cr_enterprise.yaml
    • (V5.5.8 and later): ibm_fncm_cr_production.yaml
Fully customizable custom resource templates
If you want more control over the details of their deployment can continue to use the full custom resource YAML file. This template includes the component-level configuration sections with default values for all of the parameters. These values are the default values that the operator uses with the simplified templates.
  • V5.5.4: ibm_fncm_cr_enterprise_FC_content.yaml
  • For (V5.5.5 and later), the full custom resource YAML file is located either in the container-samples repository folder or the case package depending on your version. For details, refer table in topic Preparing a client to connect to the cluster. The full custom resource YAML file names by version are as follows:
    • (V5.5.5 through V5.5.7): ibm_fncm_cr_enterprise_FC_content.yaml
    • (V5.5.8 and later): ibm_fncm_cr_production_FC_content.yaml
Note: All simplified CR templates are well-formed CR YAML files for the capabilities they define. Parameters that need custom values have a value of <Required>, which you must update with a real value before you apply the CR.

Your custom resource file that you apply to the operator must include the necessary sections. The sections define specific parts of your intended deployment.

The following snippets show how the sections are used to compile a custom resource file, with sample content.
  1. The metadata section applies to all of the included capabilities.
    kind: FNCMCluster
      name: fncmdeploy
      labels: ibm-fncm ibm-fncm ibm-fncm
        release: 5.5.5
  2. The spec section defines the target platform, the deployment type, the license, security, monitoring, logging, and storage information.
      ## This section contains the shared configuration for all FNCM components #
      appVersion: 20.0.2
        ## This is the deployment context is FNCM. No update it required.
        sc_deployment_context: FNCM
  3. If you plan to use an identity provider for user management, the open_id_connect_providers section defines connection information.
        # open_id_connect_providers:
        ## Set a provider name that will be used in your redirect URL.
        #- provider_name: ""
          ## Set a display name for the sign in button in Navigator.
        #  display_name: "Single Sign on"
        #  # Enter your OIDC secret names for Content Platform Engine, Navigator, External Share and GraphQL.
        #  # Not all secrets are required depending on your deployment. Specify secret only for components that you are deploying.
  4. The ldap_configuration and datasource_configuration sections define parameters for all of the included capabilities.
    ## The beginning section of LDAP configuration for FNCM
        ## The possible values are: "IBM Security Directory Server" or "Microsoft Active Directory"
        lc_selected_ldap_type: "<Required>"
        ## The name of the LDAP server to connect
        lc_ldap_server: "<Required>"
     ## The beginning section of database configuration for FNCM
        ## The database configuration for the GCD datasource for CPE
          ## Provide the database type from your infrastructure.  The possible values are "db2" or "db2HADR" or "oracle" or "sqlserver" or "postgresql".
          dc_database_type: "<Required>"

A simplified custom resource template does not include component configuration sections. All settings are provided as defaults by the operator. However some of those settings refer to elements that must be created in the environment. For example secrets that hold the credentials for LDAP and database connections have a default secret name; but the secret itself must be created with that default name.

The full custom resource template includes configuration sections for each component with default values provided. You can specify your own values as needed in this template.

If you want to customize individual components, then you can add the component configuration parameter (xxx_configuration) along with the list of parameters that you want to customize. Templates are provided with the full list of configuration parameters for each component. Each component has a clear section header that highlights where the set of parameters starts.
Tip: If you plan to add a component section to your simplified template, copy the entire header from the full configuration templates into the compiled custom resource so that you can identify where the component configuration starts and finishes.

  #######          FileNet Content Manager configuration           #######

  #######        Business Automation Navigator configuration       #######


What to do next

To understand about image digests, see topic Choosing image tags or digests.