Handling bulk processing with sweeps

A sweep is an instance of a background service that you configure to process objects in a database table.

If an object meets a configured criteria, the sweep performs an action on the object. Key properties of a sweep are target class and filter expression. Target class determines the database table that is processed. Filter expression specifies the criteria that the sweep applies to a candidate object in a database table. If the object satisfies the criteria, the sweep processes the object; otherwise, it ignores it.

Sweeps run within the framework of the Content Platform Engine's sweep subsystem. At the server hierarchy level (domain, site, virtual server, or server instance), you can configure the sweep subsystem, which includes global options that impact all sweep instances. Individual sweeps can be configured to override global settings, as well as enabled or disabled, configured to start and end at specified times, and scheduled to run in time slots.

There are system sweeps and custom sweeps. A system sweep performs actions that are built into the server, such as moving or deleting content. A custom sweep, on the other hand, performs actions that are defined and implemented by a user.