Verifying the Content Services GraphQL deployment

You can validate the Content Services GraphQL deployment for a traditional WebSphere® Application Server environment by accessing the CSGQL Ping Page.

Before you begin

Note: You can find the post-deployment steps necessary for the deployed CSGQL instances in the deployapplication.log file located in ../CEClient/csgraphQLtool/configure/tmp/ directory.
Make sure that you restart the application server once you complete the configuration and deployment of Content Services GraphQL. For Standard deployments, you can do so by simply stopping and starting the server. For ND/Cluster deployments, the recommended order for restarting the application server is as follows:
  1. (Cluster only) Synchronize the nodes.
  2. Stop the servers.
  3. Stop the nodes.
  4. Stop the deployment manager.
  5. Start the deployment manager.
  6. Start the nodes.
  7. Start the servers.

About this task

The configured Content Service GraphQL application is now available and it uses the BASIC authentication.
Note: If your Content Service GraphQL application is deployed in Production mode, see topic Configuring security against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) to access the ping page and query page.
You can verify the content-graphql.war application deployment by accessing the CSGQL Ping Page at http://server:port/content-services/ping where, server is the hostname and port is the port number for the deployed CSGQL application. The ping page result looks like:
"Build-Date" : "May 04, 2021 at 09:21", 
"Implementation-Title" : "IBM FileNet Content Services GraphQL API - content-graphql-api", 
"Implementation-Version" : "20210504-1402-605-Administrator", 
"Product-Version" : "5.5.8", 
"Build-Number" : "605",
"CPE-Client-Jace-Version" : "content-engine-5.5.8-0-143"

You can verify the Product-Version, Build-Number, and the CPE-Client-Jace-Version details.

If you are not able to access the CSGQL Ping Page, ensure the deployment and context root values match with the CSGQL application in traditional WebSphere Application Server. You can also check whether the content-graphql-api.war file was started successfully by checking log information from SystemOut.log in traditional WebSphere Application Server CSGQL instance.

If you notice "CPE-Client-Jace-Version": "Unknown" in the ping response, it is because of an issue with the shared library deployment. Make sure that you run the Configuring Shared Library task (for standalone) successfully and then run the Deploy Instances using the Graphical User Interface task again.

Note: Successful access to the CSGQL Ping Page confirms that the application is deployed properly. It does not validate CSGQL API functionality. Also, it does not confirm whether CSGQL and Content Platform Engine are communicating.

You can test the CSGQL API functionality with the help of the GraphiQL user interface. The GraphIQL user interface can be accessed from http://server:port/content-services/ where, server is the hostname, and port is the port number for the deployed CSGQL application. The GraphIQL user interface can be accessed only if you enable GraphIQL setting in the Deploy Instances using the Graphical User Interface task.

Test the CSGQL API functionality by running the following GraphQL query to connect to a Content Platform Engine object store:
 cpeInfo { 
where, cpeURL is the Content Platform Engine connection URL details specified in the Deploy Application task, cpeUser is the Content Platform Engine LDAP user details, and repositoryName is the object store name.
The query result looks similar to:
"data": {
"_apiInfo": {
  "buildDate" : "May 04, 2021 at 09:21",  
  "implementationVersion" : "20210504-1402-605-Administrator", 
  "buildNumber" : "605",
  "productVersion" : "5.5.8",
  "implementationTitle" : "IBM FileNet Content Services GraphQL API - content-graphql-api", 
  "cpeInfo" : {
    "cpeURL" : "", 
    "cpeUser" : "CN=P8Admin,CN=Users,DC=acceadmin,DC=net", 
    "repositoryName" : "OS1" 
If the output contains "cpeInfo":null, then the connection between CSGQL and Content Platform Engine has an issue.
  1. Verify the Content Platform Engine information and check if the Test Content Platform Engine Connection works in the Deploying instances by using the graphical user interface task.
  2. Verify the LTPA configuration between the Content Platform Engine and CSGQL.
Trace flags
You can set the following trace flags in CSGQL traditional WebSphere Application Server instance to trace the GraphQL system.
  1. Manually set trace flags by using the traditional WebSphere Application Server administrative interface
    1. Open the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console for the CSGQL application instance.
    2. Expand Troubleshooting and select Logs and trace.
    3. Select the server where you want to enable traces, and then select Diagnostic Trace.
    4. Click the Runtime tab.
    5. Click Change Log Detail Levels. Enter **=all in the text box.
    6. To trace LTPA token issues, add
    7. Check Enable log and trace Correlation and select Include request IDs in log and trace records.
    Note: Do not enable the mentioned trace flags in production environment.