Represents a relationship between two objects. The object-valued Head and Tail properties express the relationship. Use a Link object for many-to-many relationships between any objects, or for referential containment relationships between objects that are not instances of Containable subclasses.

Note This is a weak link relationship: both the Head and Tail properties have their DeletionAction metadata properties set to None. If you delete the object referenced by the head or tail, the Link object itself is not deleted.

Namespace:  FileNet.Api.Core
Assembly:  FileNet.Api (in FileNet.Api.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Interface ILink _
	Implements IRepositoryObject, IReplicable, ISubscribable, IIndependentlyPersistableObject,  _
	IIndependentObject, IEngineObject, ICloneable
public interface ILink : IRepositoryObject, IReplicable, 
	ISubscribable, IIndependentlyPersistableObject, IIndependentObject, IEngineObject, ICloneable
Visual C++
public interface class ILink : IRepositoryObject, 
	IReplicable, ISubscribable, IIndependentlyPersistableObject, IIndependentObject, IEngineObject, 
FileNet.Api.Core.ILink = function();



Auditable: true
AllowsInstances: false
AllowsSubClasses: true
ClassDefinitionName: ReplicableClassDefinition
IsDependent: false
IsHidden: false
Searchable: true
StorageType: ObjectStore
SuperclassName: Replicable

ToggleSee Also